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The story of The Friendly Panda.

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So, I decided to be completely nice to people and see how they reacted.

I spawned in Elektro and started doing the loot run. I found a AKM with 6 mags, a M1911, Alice pack and many other items. I found this person in the school house that claimed he was new to the game, he was up the stairs and I said "I'm armed with an AKM and an M1911, I will not shoot and will walk up with my gun down, is there anything I can help you with I have medical supplies and spare weapons (I said this because I didn't want him feeling bad for taking my weapons)." He said "I don't have a gun and my legs are broke and i'm at 5000 blood" I told him that I would be right up, I ran up there saw him on the floor unarmed, I fixed his legs gave him a transfusion and gave him my AKM. When he got up i expected him to shoot me but instead he just said "is there anything I'm able to help you with?" and I said "i'm good, just remember what I did for you and do the same for other people in the future.

The next guy I came across was in the church, he had a M4A3 CCO, camo clothing, Alice Pack and had NVGs on even though it was daytime... anyways, I came up to the church and asked if i could come in, he said "Please don't shoot me this is the best gear i've ever had man." I simply said "I'm not going to shoot you can i come in?" I walked in to find him on the ground bleeding, i bandaged him, fixed his legs and gave him a blood transfusion. And like I said to the other guy "just remember what I did for you and do the same for other people in the future"

Later I found the same guy at the fire station (I was observing him from the hills with binocs). But the guy from the school house was there as well. The M4A3 guy had been shot in the legs by a CZ550 and the school house guy dragged him down to the bottom floor and fixed him up. They then both ran North together and I ran up to them along the road and asked if they knew each other. the School house guy said "Nah i just saw him at the fire station and he needed help and with the stuff i took from the hospital i fixed him up, then he asked if i wanted to go to the NW airfield and i said sure and asked if he knew the way, then i asked if he had Skype and i added him. Do you want to come with us?" he asked me, i said "nah i'm good, i'll see you guys around."

A day later I saw they were on the server and I had my friend pick me up in the ATV and we drove there. on the way there we stopped at stary and saw them looting the tents. Except there were 3 of them, I went up and told them who I was and asked who there new friend was, they said "we found him in Novi in the church unconscious and we helped him and asked if he wanted to come with us, he said sure and now here we are." I told them to have fun and help others and me and my friend went to our camp and called it a night.

In the end it was nice to not be shot on sight by the new bunch and hopefully they help other players and not get shot.

I always help people in need and rarely shoot on sight unless i'm sure they're a bandit.

Edited by Austin/panda
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That's a really lovely story! Makes me want to go out and help people right now!

I've been helping people always, but recently only get killed or die trying to help them!

... If the guy who rode in on a bicycle with nothing else into Prigorodky with hardly any blood reads this, i'm sorry, I died only a few feet away from you before I could deliver medical supplies. I still feel bad that I couldn't help you like I said I would.

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Don't see that to often, good to hear man keep it up.

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Thanks, Just logged off US 552, found a guy knocked out on top of the fire station in Elektro, gave him a blood transfusion and an epi pen and as soon as he got up he tried to shoot me. I said in direct chat that there was no need and that I was a fresh spawn (which I was, spawned about 5 mins before this happened) and just let him kill me even though I could have shot him with the M1911 I found with 1 clip.

I just wish people would be thankful and not so greedy :/

Edited by Austin/panda
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If this is real story then I applaud to you!

Bandits will be always there (game needs them anyway), but it would be so nice if their numbers dwindle somehow.

I really so hate when DayZ turns to deathmatch and all those trigger happy fools proclaims that this is how the apocalypse look like....while they wield duped AS50 and expend ammo like it was growing on trees, killing people that dont have anything valuable.

I have to show my respect to bandits that actually try to mug you without killing you!

You Sirs, are brave men trying to play this game, in somehow realistic, but more risky bandit way.

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I'm thinking of making a video of me doing something like this but I doubt i'll get nice people or have something like this happen again, do you guys think I should?

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I'm thinking of making a video of me doing something like this but I doubt i'll get nice people or have something like this happen again, do you guys think I should?

Yea do it, it will be nice to see something on youtube then bandits killing all the time or acting like pricks to new spawns.

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Do it up man, that's an awesome story, and good to know there are people like you surviving in the wastelands... Bravo, I'm actually on your server right now dude, hope to bump into you at some point. Cheers

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Your on US 552? where are you? This guy just tired to kill me and I shot him in the head... hope that wasn't you lol.

Edited by Austin/panda

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yea... well i don't really wanna give my position away online.... I'm some wheres around the coastal area... stupid sever reset, I was up by the north east airfield last night...

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