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Nightbringer (DayZ)


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US 850

Server: US 850

Time: Between 11pm and 12:30 am Eastern

What happened: At first when I met them, I thought they were not on the up and up when they had silenced PDW's, and a non-dying helicopter.

A short while later, after they died and the heli landed upside down and finally died, I went into Electro, where I found them with Silenced PDW's again, an M240 Saw, and most definitively, an M107 with an AWS, and to my knowledge only the L85A2 has an AWS. Like really. After the guy with the SAW then gained a DMR (This guy also had a skin not in game, awesome, wish I had it). I decided I had enough of this BS, and quit the game. Maybe those weapons were like somehow recently added in some secret patch, but I doubt that they were added, and if they were, I doubt they were added in a 10 minute walk from electro.

Seemed to be Clan CNSF.

Names: [CNSF] MacDaddy

[CNSF] Zach

[CNSF] Whendrix502

I am currently in game with them. *Edit: I thought I would post this after I left, still fed up, pondering wether to shoot the one guy I can see, sorry bout the descrepency, just me pondering*

I dont have any recording up unfortunately, My buddy i am playing with has some so I will see if i can get one off him later.

*Edit 2: Decided, yes I would kill him. Murdered MacDaddy

Edited by Nightbringer
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They script all day long on their server I play there avidly because the fast load times but i was recently banned for taking an as50 out of their members bag and shooting him with it (after he broke my legs and thought he was the hot shit trolling me kind of stupid to have a 1 hitter quitter weapon in your pack that close to a bandit) Onedrunkpup Your a sore loser a ban for killing you? You can just have your admin lolwut22 script you in another silenced pdw and thermal as50 like you do all day long anyways

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Hackers should be placed in giant blenders and just fucked about.

IRL that is.

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If any of you guys want revenge FMF clan has declared open war on them and we are constantly killing their members on 850 ( and anywhere else we can find them), If you want to join in the fun feel free to stop by our forums or ts.

Beyond their scripted in weapons and BS they are really really bad players. We probably have about 30 kills on them now with maybe 5 deaths on our side.

I can corroborate the BS that they pull as well, they script in weapons and vehicles. Standard kit for them is the as50 TWS soldier clothing and the M4a1 m203 holo silenced ( we have stolen a large number of these weapons from them and now use them to kick their asses)

We have a number of instances where they have tracked our spawn locations when we were wearing our clan tags and showed up minutes later with groups of 3-4 to scour the area for us.

We also have an ex member of theirs who has been script killed by them and witnessed them using god mode and teleporting ( along with our clan itself seeing other instances of this)

The easiest way to fight them is to drop in on 850 with a random name and start killing, we can give you locations of previous camps along with info on where they generally operate.

Hell, their clan leader even reported our servers for kicking them for no reason when it was actually a battle eye issue and he will probably hop on here and do his whole "Fraps or it didn't happen" crap. It's funny how that works especially when you can search for CNSF on the forums and see the complaints made against them.

Edited by rdb

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