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I don't remember when I did this, but

First we got an ATV, a speed boat, and a GAZ at our camp.

I flipped the ATV at the creek up north near the crashed ship.

So went back took the speed boat to berenzino to get more supplies.

My friends were in berenzino so i picked them up.

I saw some people so we shot at them and they aborted.(I know were dicks)

I told them about the ATV so they got mad at me and threatened to shoot me.

So i left to search for a comp to make amends.

I found a camp about 1000m close to my camp up north.

There were many nvg's range finders, gillies, and the rarest guns in the game

There was a old hatchback, 2 tractors, an ATV, a bike, a van, Ural Civilian.

So the adrenaline was pumping and my mind was racing.

I told my friends about it and they came.

We put everything we could into the Ural Civilian

Some one took the Ural civilian, i took the old hatchback, someone took the van.

Then....... We smashed all their tents, and destroyed all their vehicles.(Wasn't my idea one of my friends already started and i didn't even fire a shot.)

I wanted to come back and take the rest but we weren't thinking right.

Now I feel like a dick. This is my confession.

Im sorry Rocket for i have sinned.

I do this everyday minus the part of my friends about to shoot me.

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seems like a legit tactic to me cripple the enamy and make your pack stronger but you should have found a nice camping spot and waited to see their rage... and brains (thats what i would do)

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so their camp is 1000 meters from your camp? guess who's gonna be angry and smashy smashy your camp?

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