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Loot Spawn Times ?

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Obviously loot yields respawn after time. Anyone know the time for each yield?

My friend & I left the high yield barracks alone for 24 hours, went back in, everything was the same loot, no difference.

So anyone know spawn times at a guess?

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If nobody touches the items, it will not reset.

In order to get fresh loot, an item spawn location needs to be completely looted (This means all the tin cans need to go too!). Repeat for as many spawn points as you can/will.

After that, leave the building for about 5-10 minutes (I haven't actually timed it, but I believe it's probably closer to 10 minutes), and return. If you find that there isn't new loot, leave for another 5 minutes and return. Rinse and repeat until you get the respawn.

Although this is frowned upon by many players, I contantly find nothing but tin cans and bandages in the barracks, so I use this method to get something I can't get in a random log cabin.

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