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new connection issues

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Just within the last 2 weeks i've been having trouble with joining servers more so than usual. Currently every time I join a server I get the "No message received for X seconds" problem. I either get to "Receiving Data" and get the "No message Received" warning or I actually get into the game but only get to take a few steps before getting it and timing out. This happens on every server I join now.

I've encountered this before but never in the frequency that its happening now, I literally haven't been able to play on any servers for more than a couple seconds, if im even lucky enough to make it past the loading screen.

Is there anything at all I can do to get rid of this problem or is this a server side issue and im just unlucky as f***?

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Same Situation for me exactly. I have tried many things, cant see any answers anywhere. Only thing I changed is I came home from uni. But I literally can't tell what difference in my router setup is causing this.

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