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Starting a Dayz Clan

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Im looking to form a clan of avid dayz players with a wide range of skills. All I ask is that those who want to join have experience in the game and have a skype. It is also prefered that you live in the US because of timezone differeneces, but all are welcome if u can adapt. Just leave a post with the following info:




How often you Play:

How you Play:

Also feel free to add me on Skype: derrikastro

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Skype: vincent.colendres

Age: 16

Country: USA

How often you Play: Everday after school before MMA

How you Play: I am usually a sniper or a pilot. I can do both

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Skype nick-zephrys19


Country: America

How often you Play Every Chance I Get.

How you Play: Usually a Lone Wolf ,but Id Like to Find Some People to Play With.

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Skype: ahhvinn

Age: 16+

Country: Singapore (Asian)

How often you Play: Anytime most in the morning (America time) afternoon/night (singapore time)

If u dont mind playing with a Asian guy like me. Then I wouldn't mind playing with you too. As I have a American tagging along with me now.

I'm planning to form a group slowly maybe into a clan.

Edited by Im`Yoona`

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Skype: George.Bird85

Age: 13

Country: England

How Often I play : Atleast 1-2 hours a day

I also have a teamspeak server but I'm sure that doesn't matter.

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