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Stuff has just gone tits up on my end, so chances are I won't be able to play as actively as I like. I'd be a little unreliable.

Going to call it quits now before it goes ahead.

Thanks for all your applications guys,

I'm really sorry to disappoint.

Kind regards,


Edited by Kocot

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i'd like to apply

steam: hubbabubba110

skype: alecsmeltzer

in-game name: John Ohear

country: usa

time zone: central

age: 13

experience: 2 months

Edited by alec167

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Consider me in if you accept me.

In-game: Alex

Skype: alexdyer3


Country: FinlandExperience: 1 month lots of zombie games, fps games etc...I know that im not the most experienced but im well geared in lingor and normal dayzTime zone: GMT +2

Edited by TGSneakyBastard

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I sent a personal message because i'd perter all my information to not be public. So we can talk there.

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That's perfectly fine. I'll get back to you all in due course (Most likely tomorrow morning)

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In-game name: (Obvious one) Gorski

Time zone: (GMT?) EST

Age: (Self explanatory) 17

Experience: (How long have you played DayZ / ARMA2 for?) 2 months

Where are you located: (Your country) USA

Do you have Skype: (Skype is my preferred method of communication, however, if one member of the group does have a TS/Mumble server, I am more than happy to use that) Skype, xMarkxi

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Sterlok and Sneaky. If you're still game, I'll accept you both for now.

As for the others:

The time zones may prove to be a little bit of on obstacle at the moment, however, we shall soon get over that.

Then your application may be accepted/denied.

I know it's not much of an application, but hey ho.

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Righto. Been a little inactive recently due to other commitments, however two of you've been accepted. You know who you are.I'll add your name to the thread.

Still looking for three more.

Hopefully gonna organise a meet-up between ourselves soon!

Edited by Kocot

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In-game name: kryvian

Time zone: +2

Age: 23

Experience: I haven't played arma 2 much/at all, about 2 months in dayz, longest lifetime was 30+ days and 1.3k+ zombie kills during my hermit period when I just gathered everything, later on got bored, became a whitelisted medic, healed a bunch, then died a stupid death. What else, this week alone I've found over 7 helicopters, fixed all, gave 2 to friends over @ TMW, some got stolen, some died at the hands of hackers some just got wiped at server restart. Overall I am a p good heli pilot, some consider me dangerious, but eh, so far I haven't fucked one up. *shrugs*

Where are you located: Romania

I'm usually very active the weekends and some week days/evenings, so the location isn't that bad.

Do you have Skype: yes; kryvian, but I prefer teamspeak since all my computer sounds are recorded by skype, and trust me when I say I've played with all the settings trying to eliminate that.

I do like your ideal of small efficient groups, but I have to ask what guidelines/intentions do you have in this game.

Edited by kryvian

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From what I've just read, you seem like you'd be an excellent addition to a small squad.

Ideally, I would like the group to become a pretty formidable force, eliminating bandits and helping the newcomers.

Assaults on know bandit camps are something I would really like to get into. There's just something satisfying about taking their loot and destroying their tents.

Whilst my actions may indeed seem a little "bandity" (New term, it'll catch on) I do indeed enjoy saving people.

The main goal however, is to get people away from the shoot-on-sight mentality most people have adopted on here.

I've yet to work out all the details and organise a meet-up with those who wish to join. Hopefully going to get the ball rolling tonight/tomorrow.

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my bad I typed 32 in stead of 23. =_='

as for me I won't be able to play till weekend and if shit hits the fan, the 13th (deadline)

if you still have a spot by then.

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There's not really much of a rush. Take your time (:

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