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Best Non-Hive Server, Over 130 Vehicles!

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Im trying to get my clan to come on over to this server.... Being as we are all based in OH it sounds like we might have a good connection. Clan tag [GFY]

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Please stop implying to make others think I hack in ArmA2. I dont, so just fucking stop, yeah? Grow the fuck up.

You advocate hacking, cheating and exploiting. You say not in this game, but how can anyone trust you, you are a hacker. If you can't follow the rules in other games, why should we believe you would follow them here?

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We've updated the server since this post. Server now contains 200-300 vehicles and 200-300 buildings. Videos to come. A big thank-you to Sequisha for spending his time between college/career to help our community out. We will be activating our whitelisting system within the next two weeks to avoid hacking attempts. To join, simply register on our forums (http://rinaun.com/forums/) and supply your guid via the profile field. this field will NOT be shared/viewed by anyone but me, and it is accessible via your profile. We decided to stick to a serious whitelisting system to make sure our users aren't wasting their time on our servers. User who hack will be reported straight to battleye with logs. As one of the first private servers out in june/july, don't expect to see us vanish! Silly donation rewards like BMRF, or abusive admins like on CA/BMRF who ban players for winning don't exist here. No money goes to staff, all money goes strictly to server costs. It's a community, not someones cash project.

Please note that some of these posts are from july. We have a long track record of providing a amazing server with admin coverage and other gaming servers. Here are some reviews for our HIVE system:




Main website is down while we add a stats tracking system.

Edited by Dmantro

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Bump. We've added so many features it's hard to list. Some include Zombie/Loot spawns while driving/flying, increased zombie spawns, custom day-night settings (4 hours of dusk>dark at 8PM-midnight), 250+ vehicles including the newest additions (an, AH, MI's). We use every asset available for vehicles, and we tend to keep the bulk of that number as bikes, motorcycles, and ATVs as they are more balanced and not used as mobile tents. All of this, and our servers still run incredibly fast and stable. Our buildings have been copied on many servers because we take the time to place doodads and proper placing, rather than just laying out 10 apartments We're adding this week the ability for users to make bases by trading in tin cans, meat, wood, tank trans, sandbags, etc. We now have a whitelisting system, which requires you to put your GUID in your forum profile. No admins aside from me can see this! For more info, check our website (http://rinaun.com) and Stay tuned!

Edited by Dmantro

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