punisher_1 3 Posted June 12, 2012 I think the key parts of good team play is being organized.While in game chat is frowned upon ( causes lagg or everyone shouts that) the use of Ventrillo or teamspeak is pretty common for friends or trusted players. But in this game you can find cool people to play with so you NEED voice communication in game. VC needs to be refined so the oppertunity for uncommon players to communicate is easy. Direct seems to work sometimes but only if said player has voice turned on. There needs to be an option to select team members in the player screen. This way if you meet other players in game you can team them which will allow in game text, voice and a ID system.Teams are never displayed to the rest of the server this way no one knows if or how many you have in your team.Each player has to accept the invite or they cannot join.ID system - Since player can look exactly alike each other it makes it hard to not shoot you own team when things get spooky. A friendly ID system would be nice: Ideas? same type and color hat, head band or wrap, Shemaghs ( colored ), apply a team only visable icon on the player back and or front, matching gloves, boots hats ect... Uniform purchase - Like in Arma 2 you can buy items. So in game you can have team members buy the same uniform. Gun skin colors or something interesting. once that color, skin, symbol or design is purchased no other team can use it.Map coordination / interactive map- When all players have a map its possible for players to coordinate each others maps to arrive and or locate each other on the map. This is in conjunction with a GPS or member can mark the route or objective on the map.Distance ID - A reflective patch or symbol or shape can ID team mate from the sky or at distance like the military use of cat eyes or special patches.Enemy ID and locator - Like operation Flash point and ARMA players can use a automated voice target locator that only the team hears ( wisper ). Such as, Unknown player 12 o'clock 200 meters. Or, seven zombies spotted in area at 11 to 3 o'clock position at 145 meters.Team leader overlay - gives the ability of the team leader to designate locations with range to other teammates in coordination to take out the objective. Able to LASER desginate structures or targets.Team play bonuses modifyer - When a team enters an area, bonus supplies or uniques may spawn adds an incentive for players to work together. This can be as simple as a percentage bump on items or amounts.Removal of zombies on objective - When a team engages and kills X amount of zombies in an area the percentage chance for rare items or food items become more common. The zombie spawns will have to be limited and not reproduces as fast thus acting as a temporay secured area.NPC instance - Players can find NPC instance where the players defend NPCs from zombies bonus items are given. Thise intances can include farms, downed helicopters with a surviving crew member, military road blocks, gas station, lost hunter, or anthing else you can think up. The players defend the NPC and after the zombies are all killed inthe instance area the items spawn.After the instance the NPCs leave and the instance moves to another random location. This way it cannot be exploited over and over again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites