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getting the error, "This server is not running the serversided...."

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~So today I was running through elektro when a hacker teleported to me. He spawned a boat and told me to get inside, I was like how are you going to be able to move we're on land... So I got in, and BOOM we were going atleast 1,000 M he teleported us FAR out in the ocean, and went that fast back to land and hit a hill. We went flying and then I was in an all grey area, I didn't know what to do so I logged and tried going to a different server but I got that error. I tried killing myself and that showed the death message but didn't help so I kept killing myself over and over all in the same game. An admin kicked me for reason "get your shit together, son." so they obviously can see it too.

Anyone help me? I know I can still play on Non-Hive servers but my favorite server is Hive...

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  On 9/2/2012 at 5:41 PM, sossi said:

it is... I don't know what to do.

Post your character ID in the topic. A lot of us have been waiting 2-3+ weeks for a reset, though. Character file / position is corrupted so it wont load.

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  On 9/2/2012 at 5:43 PM, terrex said:

Post your character ID in the topic. A lot of us have been waiting 2-3+ weeks for a reset, though. Character file / position is corrupted so it wont load.

Also using script seems to make your character corrupted

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