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Global banned!!

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Mabye some guys are tired of this but i just want to put it out" why does u get global banned for doing this"

the other day i was playing and suddenly when i was stalking another player he suddenly stopped( i didnt do anything bcuz i didnt have gear"

suddenly it spwaned a box 2 m away from him" then he walks to it gets loads of gear" then he moves on''' i go chekc the create and find out thats its 100 of every item i pick up a sniper ( as550) m9sd and some other gear then i walk on " and log off next day when i try to play dayz i get this message ---- global ban #1ede ---(something like that)

And after a while i figured out i couldent join any servers"

so bcuz i picked up some weapons i got banned " from the game for forever this is seriousley shit !!!!

If anybody can help me that would had been awesome, but ive read about it and it seems like theres nothing to do "

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That's what you get for killing unarmed people with an axe. Have some beans.

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So let's see, you watch a hacker spawn in a weapons crate and think to your self...self, I know it is cheating but why not gear up with all this hacked shit....

Guess you learned the hard way that it doesn't pay to cheat...

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