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Cheater problem is getting bigger!

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So im playing dayz these last days of summer and im noticing that there is more and more cheaters every day!

WTF is happening?! I mean only few weeks ago(june to be more precise) there was only like 5 %-15% cheaters of whole community, but now the numbers almost reach 50%

There are a lot of ppl(like little kids) who dont enjoy that scavenging part of game and just wants this game to be open world COD

Charter numbers grow fast and why?

Some ppl are fighting "fire w/ fire" , maybe some succeed but still they are no less of the problem.. after they have killed and banished every cheater off the server, they sill poses that tempting ability to kill everyone and spawn anything and sooner or later they will do something that everyone hates!

And there are those types who just spawns their loot, because they were too big of a pussies to admit that they died and wont get their loot back.

Only ones benefiting from this is those who make scripts and hacks for game.. they sell that and get your money!

SO i ask : IF you have any loot that is outside of mods rules(like as50 w/ termal scope or m4 w/ granade launcher and silencer) drop it, loose it, GET RID OF IT!

IF this cheater problem will get bigger, this mod WILL DIE!

Also DayZ devs should make anticheat updates as well as bohemia interactive, because its their biggest mod!

...if you agree : i wants yourz beaz


Edited by yamiks
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So im playing dayz these last days of summer and im noticing that there is more and more cheaters every day!

WTF is happening?! I mean only few weeks ago(june to be more precise) there was only like 5 %-15% cheaters of whole community, but now the numbers almost reach 50%

There are a lot of ppl(like little kids) who dont enjoy that scavenging part of game and just wants this game to be open world COD

Charter numbers grow fast and why?

Some ppl are fighting "fire w/ fire" , maybe some succeed but still they are no less of the problem.. after they have killed and banished every cheater off the server, they sill poses that tempting ability to kill everyone and spawn anything and sooner or later they will do something that everyone hates!

And there are those types who just spawns their loot, because they were too big of a pussies to admit that they died and wont get their loot back.

Only ones benefiting from this is those who make scripts and hacks for game.. they sell that and get your money!

SO i ask : IF you have any loot that is outside of mods rules(like as50 w/ termal scope or m4 w/ granade launcher and silencer) drop it, loose it, GET RID OF IT!

IF this cheater problem will get bigger, this mod WILL DIE!

Also DayZ devs should make anticheat updates as well as bohemia interactive, because its their biggest mod!



i thought this mod was dead allready, aint it only teh cheatas left? :)

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i thought this mod was dead allready, aint it only teh cheatas left? :)

not yet... but it may soon be

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50% ? doubt that mate :D

For me, this mod is dieing, if nothing is going to happen. I don't want to risk my gear on any server atm. because of a few reasons.

- This patch sucks, vehicles and tents aren't saving = loseing progress sucks

- Hackers are still common, would like to see further improvements asap.

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yes but its as i see it...

you see it wrong then.

Unfortunately Rocket doesnt care about this mod anymore so we shall wait for the standalone.

also not true.

Edited by Dankine

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Other than hoping they get bored, there is not much else that can be done about skiddies.

I take solace in the fact they are getting ripped off by those supplying them with scripts now.

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Other than hoping they get bored, there is not much else that can be done about skiddies.

I take solace in the fact they are getting ripped off by those supplying them with scripts now.

apart from blocking/logging a lot of the scripts.

Edited by Dankine

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IF you have any loot that is outside of mods rules(like as50 w/ termal scope or m4 w/ granade launcher and silencer) drop it, loose it, GET RID OF IT!

wow you described my exact kit.

No thanks, I'll keep them, I found them, they are mine. My Precious.

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yes you can do that.. but i you may get mistaken for cheater

but still i am dumping all shit that is not in mode

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Yeah, cheating is rampant and it seems like it's a problem that cannot be solved. Hopefully the stand alone will fix this. If, like me, you can't tolerate it, then you're just going to have to stop playing and wait for the stand alone, sadly.

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so what's everyone getting for lunch today? I'm thinking about some chicken sandwiches!!!

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where did you get figures like 5-15% and 50% of community members are cheating. is there a statistic for this? are 50% of actually sold cd keys banned by the anticheat system?

another question - so what?

you will die eventually. might as well go in a creative way ( even if that is not often the case. yes, i'm looking at you, gear scripters! if you want to hack, do it with style. )

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another question - so what?

you will die eventually. might as well go in a creative way

I'm always astounded by the audacity with which you guys (yes, I know you're a cheater) justify your actions - you're so delusional it's pathetic. I can't wait to see this mod die, just so you can't get your kicks.

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Yeah heres a video from about 5 hours of playing and this is how many hackers we encountered yesterday:

Thats pretty damn realistic dayz experience. :D I was on server just like that yesterday. Cheating was so bad I could only laugh. Too bad they arent connected on real servers on all these nerd conventions Rocket is attending. Would be hilarious.

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To be honest, i've not actually geared myself up once, every time I die I find my stuff from another player, not all of them are hackers, some where just unfortunate.

But i've fully geared up about 8 times and every time i've found a ammo crate / vehicle / tent / dead hacker that had every tool, a M4A1 CCO SD, M9 SD, coyote backpacks, everything you could ever want.

I only took the legit items (no radio, no AS50 TWS, so on and so forth) but i've always found 90% of my stuff from hackers and a few unlucky players whos base I happened upon.

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Unfortunately Rocket doesnt care about this mod anymore so we shall wait for the standalone.

He cares a lot about his mod this much is so apparent it slams you in the face, but he is not an God he can not be in all places at once, and this was just an alpha testing mod which has had enormous success give the guy a break. The mod could not continue the way it was, hence we now have a standalone coming, hopefully in the coming weeks he can fix some of the main problems to let those still playing enjoy the mod until the full release is out.

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Well i just got killed by one there a few minutes ago,spawned in behind me and shot me, lost a 30 days old character because he wanted too rob me?(he's in a ghillie suit with a 50 cal barret) i didnt have anything of any worth except some meat and a DMR, Anyway im done with this mod, just going too wait for the standalone so can play the game without this rubbish.

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