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Things that need to be checked out.

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Heres some random ideas or improvements minor and major.

Soda - Has calories and will help you restore health.

Blood increases over time - IRL you replace the blood in your system as long as you are not starving to death.

** 1000 points equal one pint. One pint replaced in one hour or 1000 points. **

Reduce bleed out time - It takes roughly three minutes to bleed out IRL. While one zombie strike seems to make you bleed like a Hemophiac.

Reduce no water blood loss the point loss is way too high.

Refine and reduce Climb a ladder animation - Reduce time it take to mount and dismount ladder.

Pull pistol/ weapon - For some reason it takes allot of time to pull your pistol. Ironically you could eat three cans of beans in the time it takes to pull a gun. WTF are you doing when you pull your gun picking flowers?

Throw animation / mechanic - Somehow If I select throw after I do this my gun comes back u but when I go to shoot it will attempt to throw another item. This is confusing because it shows the gun on the screen thus I think the gun is ready to shoot.

Eating animation - Why do you put you face in the ground when you eat?

*** Why the FUCK is the eating sounds so annoying? Since when are beans crunchy? *** Rocket you F'n Sadist

Random stupid deaths - Too many odd fall deaths do to usual things. Steped over door step and died, watched a buddy die while crawling on ground, stepped off last two steps in barn and broke leg, dies on slope fron three foot fall.

Super Zombies - for some reason there are the odd super zombie they one hit kill you, break bones with one hit.

Zombie spawn - This game needs a much more realist zombie spwn system No more insta less than one minute spawns.

Refine zombie logic - Zombies are too smart and too persistant and insanley fast defying logic and garvity. I like the fact they will go to look for unusual noise but defying logic when it comes to running and other animations like hitting through walls, running through objects. Zombies cannot open doors. Come on man you ever watch a zombie flick?

Total revamp of battle eye for hackers and locking down exploits - This is ruining the game, hackers, exploiters, disconnectors and what not is really getting old.

Server manipulation - Some server admins are manipulating their servers with outdated updates to keep the public off the server. I have also seen mutilple resets and time manipulation.

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