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Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

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rhino im glad you are doing this you can change dayz with your videos and posts but at first you were changing it the wrong way therefore i am glad to see you have changed

Edited by Polar Bear

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So your conscience has finally caught upto you?

One more hero, one less bandit.

It will be interesting to see if this starts happening to other bandits. I fear not though.

I'm a hero on the public hive, and i like it. But i do have a character on the private hive that is a bandit for when i get sick of doing good deeds.

To be honest i can see the attraction in being both nice and nasty. I haven't decided which "path" i will chose for standalone though :)

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Hero diaries via one of my viewers. And yes, stepping *back* into the light....lol.

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I'm oddly attracted to this post like a moth to a flame.........Oh god its hot!

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............Do what you gotta do, but this was overly dramatic, and definitely disappointing. Your play-style in a video game doesn't reflect (or even affect...usually..) your subconscious. You love this game, and a major part of that love is the thrill of PvP, I believe without it...the game will slowly begin to lose it's appeal for you. All hardcore players have had DayZ related dreams, it doesn't mean that you need to stop being a bandit (if your DayZ change of heart even makes the dreams subside..and it's possible it won't.) If DayZ is slowly eroding your sanity, or subconscious...? You probably shouldn't be playing video games, because that's what it is...a game. It shouldn't affect you in such a way, you shouldn't LET it.

Best of luck to your channel...survivor diaries has been done, and failed so many times before. What will your content be? You sitting next to a fire in the woods...cooking meat from a pig you just killed? I doubt the youtube community is ready for such nail-biting action.

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Maybe don't be a douche by shooting noobs in the starting areas and you will be fine. Go be a bandit for the good guys. Kill noob killers and script kiddies.

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O_O never thought i see the day. If it helps rhino your bandit diaries helped me out as a survivor a great deal. I have learned what bandits think like and it helped me avoid them for the most part as i knew what took look for, areas to stay clear of, etc. But I am glad you are hanging up your bandit ways and trying out the hero path.

And dont take it to seriosuly, if video games help bring out what's in your subconcious then everyone is a sociopathic killer. take games like BF3 and COD fpr example. I have been playing games for years and i don't have this need to urge to stab/shoot someone, slap or punch maybe..but not murder them. People who end up like that and just so happen to be a murderer 9 times outta 10 were not mentally stable to begin with. trust me, i wrote a paper on this in college and i did alot of research as my head still hurts from thinking about it.

Well good luck and i will keep an eye out for the hero diaries .

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............Do what you gotta do, but this was overly dramatic, and definitely disappointing. Your play-style in a video game doesn't reflect (or even affect...usually..) your subconscious

Coming from you?

How humorous.

Edited by Dutch Miller
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Well, i guess whats fun always ends...I really enjoyed the Bandit Dairies, for me its a game, so i go round killing everything and anything just to get an adrenaline rush, its what the game is about = emotions.I like the game for the rush you get, also getting the kills feels amazing....But you start to loose it aftera couple of kills, so you want more and more to carry on the infinite loop.

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Well, i guess whats fun always ends...I really enjoyed the Bandit Dairies, for me its a game, so i go round killing everything and anything just to get an adrenaline rush, its what the game is about = emotions.I like the game for the rush you get, also getting the kills feels amazing....But you start to loose it aftera couple of kills, so you want more and more to carry on the infinite loop.

I have to agree with you, the first couple of kills I got were on people who had killed one of my friends, and man it felt good, but after those 2 kills I have yet to kill another survivor, there is definitely emotion and sometimes fear/adrenaline felt when you're being shot at, and just randomly running looking for any cover you can find, to give you the time to locate the shooter, then when you do find him, he just logs out... there's also a lot of fun in overwatching towns, seeing someone get taken down by some zombies, then running in there with an M4A1 CCO SD, and saving the guy.. when he probably expects you to just kill him. lol.

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Coming from you?

How humorous.

There's a difference between roleplaying as a ruthless sociopath in a game(and on the forums of said game), and letting it affect my real life...It's not like I walk around my college campus murdering people for their food and belongings... and I gave you beans because you're simple-minded, and that's cute.

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You know what's really funny? People make fun of people who play games and take them too seriously. You know what the truth is? Gaming can be the most destructive thing in your life, or it can really change your life for the better. In reality, as this demonstrates, games can help us learn more about ourselves -- and teach us lessons that will be with us for the rest of our lives.

Anyways, +1 to you OP, welcome to the light side!

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You encounter so many nice people as a Hero, I swear, it's nice to bump into someone who says "Yeah, it's my first time on the game" and give them a good experience instead of shooting them and making them regret downloading DayZ.

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@OP's video

Great effin' production!

Edited by DayZisMySandbox
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Id rather have heard you say you were going to play survivor (challenge) diaries, because saying your going to be playing Hero diaries suggests your still going to be using all those hacked and duplicated weapons and gear off your buddies.

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The darkness is gonna come and kill you all

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Bandit Diaries was the reason I started playing Day Z. I come from EvE online as a pirate so the whole running about claiming people's gear and causing catastrophe is my type of thing. Not because it's dickish but because I genuinely do enjoy pitting myself against other players. In any situation. Whether it be through hunting a dude down or having a blazing gun fight. Obviously I wouldn't kill a medic, or a dude that's just spawned without any items. If I were to see another bandit, or a dude that is fairly well equipped I would take him out.

Maybe don't stop the Bandit Diaries? Just start actually looting corpse's and helping out the needy. You get the best of both worlds in that case. Become the Robin Hood of Day Z

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- snip -

Good to see you have finally realized what many of us have been saying from the beginning; I only wish that you had seen this prior to needlessly spoiling the fun of countless new players who were experiencing the first ten minutes of gameplay. Taking in the amazing feeling of being lost and trying to survive, wandering through the city, crawling carefully and thinking that maybe you might find enough food or even a gun, only to have it ended for no reason.

And to think there are still scumbags who defend this behavior, ruining those amazing few hours of discovery and saying "there's nothing better to do."

Hopefully your hero diaries last a good long time.

Your play-style in a video game doesn't reflect (or even affect...usually..) your subconscious.

Yeah it does. This is just a cop out line for douches to continue their trolling.

In truth, only those who have first embraced it, may challenge true darkness.

A bald faced lie. Many of us have been challenging it from the get go. Edited by Angel_
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