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DE25 & DE26 & DE63 & DE64 [Berlin] *UTC-6* -Infos/Comments-

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Hi Guys,

** Now with time UTC- 6 **

Server are hosted by Spielviel.de... You can rent a server like this for 19,50 €/month..

If you like, visit us on irc.spielviel.de channel #spielviel and our serverchannels #de25 #de26 #de63 and #de64 .

We set up ts3 serverchannel on our public ts3 and some non spielviel channel. Ip

All server kick lobbyidlers after 3 mins and are floodprotectet (temp. serverlock) via BEC addon.

Using Anticheat tools: AntiHax and Gotcha Anticheat

If you like the server or have problems with it, visit our forum and get in contact with the serveradmins.


Cu itsmee

Edited by itsmee

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Currently servers are finetuned.. please report lags, problems, whishes or suggestion in this thread.

We're happy about every Feedback..



Derzeit werden die Server feinabgestimmt. Lags? Probleme? Wünsche und Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback.



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Can one server be with 3dp:off and ch:off?

hi dida..

Thats like i want to do it. But i setup the servet yesterday up to 3am and he dont want my settings. Ill do it, until im not so sleepy anymore :p

DE25 will be 3dp:off & ch:off soon.... stay tuned

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Hey guys,

Sorry the server just needed some few restarts for setting changes and time correction.

Both server are running now with time UTC-6.

Enjoy the game..

Cu itsmee

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Tip: if you play regular on our server, then checkout the Top10 player ranking on www.spielviel.de

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Just updated the server to Beta 3701.

Have fun!


Server wurden gerade auf Beta 3701 geupdatet.

Viel Spass weiterhin.

Cu itsmee

Edit: sorry for reboot.. had to fix security hole!

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Thanks for the new server. Been fun so far.

Just one small thing: Could you give some warning in advance when you have to restart the server? Then the players could save their stuff. We're kind of left guessing where we last saved our vehicles right now.

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Hi there,

Thanks for your reply :)

Its important to get feedback to improve your gaming experience.

And yes youre right... Normally i warn before closing server. But im in my office and dont have the game installed there. :)

Ill do me best to avoid those problems in future. Granted!

Have fun :)

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Are you sure it's UTC-6 or are you changing time for day only? Right now it's noon on server. If it was UTC-6 the right time would be 19:20.

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Are you sure it's UTC-6 or are you changing time for day only? Right now it's noon on server. If it was UTC-6 the right time would be 19:20.

Servus Kyorikei..

Mh weid.. thanx for the info. Yes i should be UTC-6.. ill check the settings later. By the way crazy times on dayz are quite normal :p

How you like the server ? Any other problems?

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Time is fixed now.

Reversed time was wrong word. Its set to be -8 hours to normal german time. UTC+2


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Changed server time for both to UTC-10

See pic below..(Attachment)


Serverzeit auf DE Hauptspielzeit angepasst.. jetzt UTC-10

Siehe Bild (Anhang)


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Good to get home and be able to play in the wee hours of the morning in game. Also, apologies to the people in Elektro school and power plant three hours ago.

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Why is voice disabled on the server now? Totally misses the point of the mod to have to chat in direct when one could just holler. BUT: I can still press my PTT button and a microphone appears, so is this false info?

Also, inverse time is a bit suboptimal because it means you only play nights on weekends (when you log on during the noon hours).

Most of us Germans would prefer UTC-4 or +8 actually, if we spent some time thinking about it.

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>>> How you like the server ? Any other problems?

Everything's fine so far. Lags at prime time ofc but it's central's fault not yours. We'll see how it works after next patch :) .

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Why is voice disabled on the server now? Totally misses the point of the mod to have to chat in direct when one could just holler. BUT: I can still press my PTT button and a microphone appears' date=' so is this false info?

Also, inverse time is a bit suboptimal because it means you only play nights on weekends (when you log on during the noon hours).

Most of us Germans would prefer UTC-4 or +8 actually, if we spent some time thinking about it.


Hey there..

Do you hear other player? :)

I disabled it, cuz there is often spam-talk. But if this feature is wanted, lets vote for :)

I choose the time after thinking about a bit (the time me and friends play most).

But if the other want different times, lets vote for it.

Please use www.spielviel.de/forum for voting.

Dont think it works here.


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Set the server so it requires Beta 96701 or so.

Then there will only be talk in Direct, no spam talk possible.

But it's very useful for direct chat.

The times are okay, almost perfect. But they mean I will always play in broad daylight, never at dawn or dusk. :-)

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@DE26 14.06.2012 around 18:00-18:30 GMT time

3 characters: Kyorikei, Crab Claw, Ash died from the same guy with m4sd in different places around Cherno, all headshots.

The time between the kills + accuracy/invisibility of the shooter in all cases (+ in 2 cases targets were laying near a tree/bush) looked a bit suspicious.

Not sure if it was some kind of cheat/hack, but asking to check the logs if it's possible.


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@DE26 14.06.2012 around 18:00-18:30 GMT time

3 characters: Kyorikei' date=' Crab Claw, Ash died from the same guy with m4sd in different places around Cherno, all headshots.

The time between the kills + accuracy/invisibility of the shooter in all cases (+ in 2 cases targets were laying near a tree/bush) looked a bit suspicious.

Not sure if it was some kind of cheat/hack, but asking to check the logs if it's possible.



Hi.. we check logs. If we found something suspicious we set a ban.


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Can u make a script that posts warning in chat when server is going to reboot? 5-10mins before it at least. Just now 26 server rebooted when we were in the middle of PvP.

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Hi guys,

Thnx for info. Server wasnt restarted, its crashed. :(

Seems like the new autostart script dont do what it have to... and im currently at work and didnt got an alert.

Server is up again


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Server upgraded to beta patch 93825.


Server auf neue Betaversion 93825 gepatcht.

Cu itsmee

If you want to rent a server with 50 slots for 42 €/month... Mail to [email protected]

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