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Logged off on a bike

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I logged in again and now all my items are gone and my guy is riding an invisible bike which cant move and I can't step off it. How do I stop this wierd thing?

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Get a mate with a gun, tell him he will need more than 1 bullets because he's the mate of a guy who got stuck on a bike so he's nothing special a shot. You can figure out the rest

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You could ask a DayZ Team member to be reset to bean coast in the Support section. Or you could just wait until someone snipes you.

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I have no mates at all. How the hell do I kill myself?

Well this is somewhat akward, but i've had to kill glitched people before on medic calls. I can't come and shoot you in the face though because i'm not at my computer >.>

You could try posting here - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/page__st__8580

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Log into a server...when it gets stuck on loading for a few minutes close the game and rejoin a normal server. It'll send you back to the coast, hopefully that will work!

You can also do that on servers. Just alt tab, and close window while loading. It has to be on the loading screen not waiting for Char, or setup, so pick a big server with lots of ppl. you will have about 10 minutes of load time to work with

Edited by WooTs

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