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Daily DayZ videos for new and veteran players!

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Hey all Fwizzle45 here just telling you about myself a bit, maybe you`ll be interested in checking me out on youtube :) basically I post videos daily of Dayz and Minecraft, mostly Dayz. I have three series, my first is "The Bandit Files" links to each will be at the bottom of the post, in this series I have videos of me playing as a solo bandit. Doing my daily deeds of lightening up the server population eh? ;) my next series is my "Project Z" series, in this one I play with squads or just friends, basically non solo gameplay where we could be bandits, survivors, whatever, just with a group. The last series is my "Dayz for Noobs" series, where as the title suggests, I post videos to help out my nooby brethren out there! Tips and tricks to help even the most advanced players gain an edge. So I hope you`ll swing by and check me out sometime, my name is Fwizzle45 on youtube you can just search my name and I will pop up. Thanks and good luck surviving out there eh?

My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fwizzle45?feature=mhee

The Bandit Files: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL694B8FE5F45B9B3A&feature=plcp

Project Z (No videos yet, as of 9/2/2012):

Dayz for Noobs (No videos yet, as of 9/2/2012): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5B928BD6F32B9D60&feature=view_all

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