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DE 1513 // Banned from Server without reason

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I (Cassio) was playing on the server De 1513 with 3 friends. The whole clan [sJ] which is playing on the server were killed. After that the Server was shut down and the admin restarted the server. We logged in again and walked to quarry at the seaside. Then we saw 3 survivor from the [sJ] clan who wanted to repair the V3S. We started to shoot at them and after one of them was killed the server admin [sJ] Killer started to Ban us.

Banned Player:






Edited by Robbey
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So, first of all:

You were banned because you insulted us, coming on the TS and flamed us.

Next point, you are only 15 years old and not allowed to play DayZ because you are too young. We don't want to play with little children AND in addition to this we want to secure you, because it is forbidden for you to play by law.

Last but not least you used cheated weapons to annoy us, but we want a fair gameplay with fun.

So please shut up, choose another server and be pleasent.

Yours faithfully,

[sJ] Aviz

Edited by Aviz

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What you are telling happends 1 Week ago and in this time we were in the [sJ] Clan.

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nice we are banned again !

We do nothing , we just play than join [sJ]killer and we get bann

banned players :



Edited by Proms

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he guys

you forgot a lot from you guys say too mee mouther fucker and so all time i see you on my own server i bann you

and you are not old enough too play this game , and the next is guys you play with hacked weapons

and now is enough with this flaming please played the game on another servers and not on mine server

have fun

lg killer

Edited by sjkiller

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We never said you are a motherfucker. We never had hacked weapons i don't know who tell this and we have our tents on your server ;)

Edited by Therux

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1.We dont have u insult.

2.We are not to young !

3.We didnt have hacked weapons !

So u say in the Teamspeak that u hack the PC of hackers in ur Server and that is illegal

So u have no reason to ban us

U only bann us cause we kill you and that is not allowed

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a lot of members from sj clan hear that and you have hacked weapons you find or hacked is your fold not my dont play with hacked weapons !!!!!

and now is enough

play on another servers and all is fine

and i thing guys its the best for you and for the sj clan

and please stop crying for this acept this and all is fine

lg killer

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So you have no prove that we "insult" you.We dont play with hacked weapons we play with Weapons from the game.

I think u only bann us cause we are better than u and make u ur life hard ,cause we kill you

I dont accept this , cause we are in the right

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It's still not fair to kick us when we kill you and your clan,this isn't even better then using hacked weapon ;)

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ok guys only for you again the reasons for ban you

1.hacked weapons (as50 tws is hacked weapon)

2.you ar 14 and 15 years old

3.insult mee

thats enough reasons too ban you guys i have an idea you rent a own server and make what ever you will guys

have fun guys

lg killer

Edited by sjkiller

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1. We don't use hacked weapons (Any proof?)

2. We are old enough too play this game(We aren't 14 and 15 years old)

And we never insult you,before you ban us maybe record some proofs?

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So Killer we are old enought to play this game

No one have insult.U say it but u can`t prove it , so u say that u hack PC and that is Ilegal so dont so something that we insult U !

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U only mad , that we kill u all the time ! thats the one reason so dont flame us !

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Nice one,me (TeamKartoffel) and DerAssasin were banned again -.- We would go if you let us to our tents and then we clear it up -.-

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So, first of all:

You were banned because you insulted us, coming on the TS and flamed us.

Next point, you are only 15 years old and not allowed to play DayZ because you are too young. We don't want to play with little children AND in addition to this we want to secure you, because it is forbidden for you to play by law.

Last but not least you used cheated weapons to annoy us, but we want a fair gameplay with fun.

So please shut up, choose another server and be pleasent.

Yours faithfully,

[sJ] Aviz

Firstly, if they flame/insult you on your TS, you can ban them from your TS server, not from your DayZ server, so long as you have an officially listed DayZ server. If the insults were of a racial/sexist/religious nature, then I'm sure DayZ staff would make an exception.

Secondly, its not your job to enforce games ratings. Game ratings vary country to country. In Australia, ARMA 2 is an MA15+ game, meaning anyone 15 years and older can play it without parental supervision. Do you know the country of origin of these players, and the laws in that country? If you don't, then how can you ban them for being 'under age' when they might be legally playing it in their country? And if you do, then it doesn't mean crap because as I've already said its not your job to enforce game ratings. Even if you do know with absolute certainty how old these players are (what'd you do, get their birth certificates?) AND their country of origin AND the laws in that country, you still can't ban them based on age alone as ITS NOT YOUR JOB TO ENFORCE GAMES RATINGS.

Finally, did they hack in the weapons themselves? If yes, then your ban is legitimate. If no, then your ban should not stand. The AS50 TWS used to be in the game as a legitimate weapon - it was removed because it was considered OP. However legitimately looted copies of this gun can still be found as they transfer from one player to the next. Rocket has already stated that using a hacked in weapon is not a bannable offence, only hacking in the weapon yourself is. If they join your server without those 'hacked in' weapons in their inventory, then you should be letting them in.

Sounds to me like you're just another butt hurt admin who didn't like getting shot-up whilst trying to fix up a truck. Suggest you cancel your server hosting and play on someone elses server until you've learnt how to do deal with getting your ass kicked without the ability to shutdown the server and ban your opposition.

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when some one tell mee mouther fucker is he not alone baned from my ts server than is he baned from all my servers ok and the game is in germany +16 and guys are 15 tell us in the ts and the guys live in germany ok

and now is enough i pay the server and not another guys not you and not another players me alone pay this and i dont lets play this guys on my server

for hacking weapons

insult mee

and not old enough

and now is this discusion over for mee

bye bye

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And when you pay you have the rights to ban without reason? Yes we live in Germany,but we're old enough to play this game. We never insult you or do you have some proofs?

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Firstly, if they flame/insult you on your TS, you can ban them from your TS server, not from your DayZ server, so long as you have an officially listed DayZ server. If the insults were of a racial/sexist/religious nature, then I'm sure DayZ staff would make an exception.

Secondly, its not your job to enforce games ratings. Game ratings vary country to country. In Australia, ARMA 2 is an MA15+ game, meaning anyone 15 years and older can play it without parental supervision. Do you know the country of origin of these players, and the laws in that country? If you don't, then how can you ban them for being 'under age' when they might be legally playing it in their country? And if you do, then it doesn't mean crap because as I've already said its not your job to enforce game ratings. Even if you do know with absolute certainty how old these players are (what'd you do, get their birth certificates?) AND their country of origin AND the laws in that country, you still can't ban them based on age alone as ITS NOT YOUR JOB TO ENFORCE GAMES RATINGS.

Finally, did they hack in the weapons themselves? If yes, then your ban is legitimate. If no, then your ban should not stand. The AS50 TWS used to be in the game as a legitimate weapon - it was removed because it was considered OP. However legitimately looted copies of this gun can still be found as they transfer from one player to the next. Rocket has already stated that using a hacked in weapon is not a bannable offence, only hacking in the weapon yourself is. If they join your server without those 'hacked in' weapons in their inventory, then you should be letting them in.

Sounds to me like you're just another butt hurt admin who didn't like getting shot-up whilst trying to fix up a truck. Suggest you cancel your server hosting and play on someone elses server until you've learnt how to do deal with getting your ass kicked without the ability to shutdown the server and ban your opposition.

Well i thank u for this nice post.

But if we unbanned than banned us killer again , so we can´t go to our tents and can`t get our items to build a new tent place on a other Server.

We are unbann from an Admin 1 day ago , but killer bann us again.

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Here is a link where we got kicked by [sJ] Killer(You can see how we killed the Clanmember in the left corner)

I posted it in Server reportion Section too but it's not approval from a moderator

Edited by Therux

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therux i think is bether you stop this flam..

you can read the reasons for ban and accept this

now have fun


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