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DayZNamalsk Fight or Flight US East (v1.7.3/Beta 97771) |3DP:On|CH:On|NT:Off|Save/25Vehicles|

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Yea that shouldn't be a problem. As a heads up if they are russian you should give me their names. I am pretty distrusting of russians on the server right now because of 39 ip bans around 20 were russian and of the russians the joined the server pretty much all were hackers.

Edited by Jvo

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Dont worry, me and my friends are not russians, we never hack and wont hack, btw, will u change to Takistan map? Never played that map before, I just want a try on that map :)

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@SGuzz - Thanks man I appreciate the feedback.

@F4T - Once I manage to find a stable working release of takistan that can be hosted off a privately owned computer I will have a takistan server hosted. Until people have the ability to IP ban and shit hacking will be a big problem the villayer takistan hives.

Edited by Jvo

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I will be updating the server on 9/20 sometime around 12pm cst. I have some vehicle spawns to add and some tweaks to perform on battleye. Downtime should be 1-2 hours.

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This server is now also accessible through the dayz tunngle lobby. Once logged into tunngle and in the first arma 2 dayz lobby you can select lan on your pc and my server should be displayed.

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The server will have about 30 minutes of downtime either 9/23 or 9/24 whenever I find the server has the lowest population (Likely in the morning or early afternoon). This will be to update to a newer beta patch and add some VWGolfs.

Edited by Jvo

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Wow, over 20 people playing now, awsome! :thumbsup:

btw, I miss Lingor Island :(

Edited by F4T

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Earlier we were around 35 players it has been pretty busy the last couple days. Sometimes I miss lingor aswell, but I honestly hate how many problems I had with it.

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Today i got killed by a hacker, he know where i am and shot me thru wall, there was 3 player playing that time include me, 1 name -Fa- Kenin, the other guy log out before i see his name

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Yea there were 2 of them. I caught and banned both, Kenen wasn't one of them it was Mr. Dee and Flash. I am pretty sure Flash was the one to kill you. Today has been really bad when it comes to hackers, I had to ban 17 hackers today alone. Pretty sure there are some new hacks got released today.

Edited by Jvo

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Can u increase more wheels? I found a lot of gas can but couldnt find any wheels :(

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It's just bad luck yesterday I found at least 15 wheels and I spent more of the day banning script kiddies then playing.

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Server is currently down and will be for a few days up to a week. Sorry about the inconvenience.

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Server is currently down and will be for a few days up to a week. Sorry about the inconvenience.

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DayZ 1420 US Central is back. It is now a East coast located server and known as DayZ Fight or Flight. I apologize for the lengthy period of time the server was down. I purchased a house and because of complications (after buying it I learned all the pipes burst last winter and I had to replace most of the pipes in the house) the server was down for a lot longer then I had hoped. It should now be back up 24/7.

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DayZ Fight or Flight now runs 3 DayZ Servers. Fallujah, Chernarus and Namalsk.

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I imported the old IP bans from my prior chernarus and lingor servers in order to avoid many of the hackers that had existed in the game. We currently have 107 IP bans.

Also some of the servers may receive loadouts that include a starting weapon in the next couple days.

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Started mapping out vehicle spawn points yesterday. I think Namalsk is going to be my major project. I am going to create enough manual spawns so we can get the server up to 75+ vehicles without using any spawnpoints twice.

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I got on the Chernarus server earlier, the speeds were great I think I was running at like 40 ping most the time. I also had no problems finding vehicles. All in all a good time. Looking for some people to group up with on this server now. Anyone intersted?

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