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DayZNamalsk Fight or Flight US East (v1.7.3/Beta 97771) |3DP:On|CH:On|NT:Off|Save/25Vehicles|

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Server is going to receive it's next upgrade and final vehicle count upgrade on 9/9 or 9/10 depending on how my gathering of spawn points goes today.

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Applied on my last restart. Works great. Thanks a ton!

Edited by Jvo

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just got banned from this server just cause i killed the admin. musta put 20 rounds into him before he went down which is kinda f*cked up with an assault rifle. 10 seconds later im banned and he comes up with this bs about me script hacking and all his buddy talking sh*t in global chat telling me ill be perma banned and what not. do it i dont give a sh*t.

i dont bother about forums bs ,but cant report your server and get it banned so here i am.

you suck.

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Jvo heres is a scripts.txt that wont kick players for shoulder mounted flashlights...


Almost identical to dwarven script

How do I use this? I have the same problem, and I know how to fix it (which this script does) but I don't know where to put it or even find the script.txt file. Can anyone help me find this?

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What version of the server are you running? I have found the location can change depending on version.

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Chern0burst I was the only admin on at all today or I guess yesterday now technically and I am pretty sure I would remember if you killed me. I don't even think I died today. I have spent almost all day running around creating more manual spawn points to increase the max vehicle count on my server. Are you sure your not talking about the 420US chernarus server? This is the thread for the 420 US Central Lingor server there is a big difference. If I am correct and this is not the server you had the problem on please remove your bad comment because it isn't fair to have punish my server for having a similar name. It also could be lingor 420 east. I am central.

Edited by Jvo

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Quite honestly, I haven't even been able to connect to your server. I'm running everything at latest versions. I've tried downgrading my versions and everything, even re-installed Lingor, and I still can't get in.

I'll try a few more times, but maybe you guys could help with that too.

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It just gives me the same crap about missing downloadable content.CARocks2. Its really stupid.

Edited by Vision17

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Yea, sorry about that f4t. Windows update updated the network card driver last night after I passed out and it didn't go well.

Vision what directory do you have your lingor content installed too and exactly what files are in the folder?

Currently having a problem with my control center software. Server is down. Should be up in under 1 hour.

Closing in on the 1 hour mark and still not resolved. Waiting on feedback from the creator of the server software while I try to find the problem. This should be resolved today but I do not have a finite ETA check back here for updates.

Edited by Jvo

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Btw people if you come on here and bitch about DayZLingor US420 East I am gonna rage. I am Central, I do not have any connection to them and I have received several messages about their server. As far as I know they don't even have a post on here.

This server is probably going to receive a name change to avoid the bad feedback coming in from the other server. I will make note of the new name on here, in the server and on dayzblissus.enjin.com several days before the change occurs.

Server is back online, unfortunetely character data was lost due to a bad update which changed the database format. All vehicles and tents should still exist.

Edited by Jvo

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C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead for Lingor folders. inside those--













































I also have the batch you said to add also.

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The files all appear to be the correct ones and the batch should work fine. I am using it. Are you running dayz or

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That's strange. Everything looks right. I read into it a little and it is supposed to happen because your arma 2 is not launching with your OA. I didn't find a resolution but I am sure there is one. I will look into it more when I have a little free time. Been really busy today.

Edited by Jvo

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Yea probably in the next couple days. Just waiting on confirmation of a few fixes to the problems in the new version.

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Thanks Jvo. It's much appreciated. I look forward to playing with the increased vehicle spawns. Maybe a few races at Rommelo. I looked online and it said to use steam and launch as Combined Operations, but that still doesn't work. It tells me I have the wrong version even when I have it on the right one.

Edited by Vision17

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I am going to upgrade to version, add some additional vehicle spawns, rename the server to 1420 and re-enable side channel on 9/12 at around 12pm CST. The server should be down for roughly 2 hours.

The server rename is happening to reduce the amount of bad feedback I get from the other 420 servers. The full name will be updated here on the day of the update.

Edited by Jvo

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Last night i swam through the river just for a GAZ lol, but so lucky that it have enough 4 wheels, and a little bit fuel :D

Edited by F4T

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Thats chill, I saw you on earlier was gonna see what was up but my last update disabled side channel and I have been seeing how things go without it.

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i lost my car and all of my stuffs in it, even i used the save command and got in the car before log out :(

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The save command doesn't protect the car from getting pillaged by other players. The server didn't restart yet today so it shouldn't be a anything related to saving it. It is going to get it's first restart of the day in a few minutes.

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