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Looking for new players to join our group.

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Sup guys, i'm CyberTech. Cy for short. Anyways Im lookin for a few guys to join our group. I have been playin for about two months now and I know what im doing. We are a nice group of guys and have a good time. But our speciality is killing survivors. As long as you remain with us, you wont be killed. :) All I ask is that you know what you are doing, and that you dont kill us when our backs are turned. lol I have skype and it is recommended that you have it as well. We are also gonna be recording from time to time as well. If you are looking to team up add me on skype. "Creative_Destruction17" or my recruiter Sam. "sampayne9"

Edited by CyberTech

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Hey man, just bought the game. I'll be finished DL and setting up in about an hour, I've been watching videos online and have a good idea of how the game works and how to adequately survive!

I'd love to be able to join you guys.

Let me know!

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Im 14 and had the game for 2 months now and got tired of playing alone because my friends are jackasses and would like to join my skype name is kila_matthew. Let me know! :)

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