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Looking for a pwd protected PH

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I welcome any rec's that you all can provide... Here are a list of my wants

1) Password protected

2) Admins who actively administrate the box, without playing

3) No overwhelmingly large teams... ie: no 20 man clans on a 40 man box.

4) No crosshairs

5) No nametags

6) IF side chat is enabled, side VOIP is discouraged.

7) LIMITED vehicles/choppers (last server I was on had stock limitations on them, and the map was like a parking lot)

8) Community who can talk friendly trash, but not get too butthurt

9) Admins who actively police piece of shit combat loggers

10) Preferably a Bliss PH, since I know the latest version has made improvements to the tents and vehicles, so that it is much less likely that someone can dupe.

11) Something based in the US, but with an offset timezone, so that in the late afternoon/evening when I play, it is day.

Hope to find something, thanks.

Edited by trav
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My server fits every one of those except it's whitelisted instead of a password, and we don't actively enforce combat logging because that's an uphill battle, it'll be resolved with a script when I can get a functioning one. I have a thread for my server on these forums, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. Take a look and go signup if it interests you!

Edited by Peep
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Thanks Peep!

Edited by trav

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