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Backpack Items Missing.

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I just switched servers and the 2 mp5 SD magazines I had are gone. There were in my inventory, NOT my alice pack, Now I have no ammo for a gun I just started enjoying =(

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Hmm, had the same happen to me twice today. At first I thought it might have to do with different server versions or whatever but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Someone one IRC said that a way would be to "wait 5 minutes" after you put stuff in your pack before disconnecting but I just tried that and the shitty sniper I put in there stayed :p Lost some good shit this way! :>

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I was at NW airfield had an enfield 6-7 mags i had medicine food water, just found a g17, alice pack, a spare makarov in my bag with 1 or 2 clips, i had lots of tools and i spawn out to have dinner and spawn back in and i have 6k health and and nothing, no guns, no ammo, no food, no water, no backpack, no tools.

i know everyone says dont get close to your gear but i lost everything, not just one item.

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im not having any trouble keeping guns in my alice pack. ive been running around for almost a week with an m107 and a FAL (night scope) in there and they seem to be fine.

I have however lost TWO ghillie suits that I never even put on. I found them, kept them in my inventory, and they were gone the next time i logged in. Also, a week or so ago I found camo, put it on, played for a day or so with it no problems. When i randomly logged in oen day the camo was just gone, i was back to civilian clothes.

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i have had the same problem.

I just lost 1 L85A2 AWS, 1 Range Finder, 1 NVG.

the 2 times I pass this problem. I had a backpack full. and a full inventory

¡¡ I think the solution is: not to fill the backpack!!

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I had my akm with ammo in my backpack replaced with medical supplies.

It must be a syncing issue as the dead guy i looted the backpack off had three pens 3 blood bags and the rest bandages and thats what was in there when i logged in again.

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I think it has something to do with normal server lag combined with the 60-second database updating... Something like that, right...? Isn't that the kind of thing that leasd to tent duping and stuff?

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This has also just happened to me for maybe the fifth time. The first few times this has happened to me I shrugged it off due to not losing my most valuable items. However, after what happened to me today I decided to check the forums and sure enough found this thread with all of you who have had the same problem. While that's comforting, it is frustrating knowing that the time spent acquiring gear can be wasted in the blink of an eye. I found and killed someone today that had the EXACT gear I had been looking for for a long period of time, which were an SVD and an extra pair of night vision goggles I wanted to give to a friend. After transferring them to my alice pack and logging on another server to meet up with friends after about 10 minutes of running I found the new gear gone and my old gear in the pack.

I realize this happens after transferring gear into your backpack. Would anybody possibly know the "Safe-Zone" time to allow the server you're in to send your current character's loadout and equipment to the system that DayZ uses, or a sure method to use to not lose gear in this manner?

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Dunno if this is related... but the other day I was ona server, crossed town (picked up food cans etc). After about 10 minutes I was suddentl back on the starting point of town... So I crossed again... and it did it again.

Seemed like it was not able to store info on my progress and was "resetting me". No idea for sure, but maybe something like that is occuring to people even when they are logged off?

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Lost my DMR 2 times.

Replaced by a hunting knife and a box of matches. WOOOHOOO! -.-

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I had a similar issue, for a while every server i logged into would copy all my medical supplies until it filled my backpack. I'd have like 10 bandages and 14 morphine shots. This happened 5 times in a row and removed my m4a1cco and my cz550

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I have problems once in a while with the CZ550, and only with this weapon.

Sometimes when i put it on my backpack it disappears, or it gets replaced by a different weapon (a Lee Enfield appeared instead).

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Where online yeasterday at SE #500 Norway.

Had very rare gear, including PP19 bison sd in and hand and L85A2 AWS in backpack with 8 stanag mags.

What happend was that i dissconnected to go to the toilet. where gone for about 10 minutes.

While reconnecting to another server. The L85A2 Where gone from my backpack. tryed switching back to the same server as erilier. And still the weapon is gone... I still have the mags in backpack and inventory....

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Got this with Ghilli suit :(

Had a sad ='[

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August 10 2012

Logged out, back in, my char was dead, back out and in again, my char was there again but lost my mp5sd out of my alice backpack.

barracks on the international airfield

i logged in and out on different servers


random german servers....couldnt remember them all.

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I just lost an l85 no more than 10 minutes ago like this. Logged in, die mysteriously, respawn in debug plains, disconnect - reconnect im on the coast... kills are still there but I have no items at all...

Fuck my life...

Edited by Deckerr

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