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Stole truck from [ACE] clan on US 2057. They were not pleased....

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beans because of the epic after-action-screenshots with the truck! :)

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That is what we were wondering as well lol. (It literally took them just a few minutes to get to our location) I was hoping on of the [ACE] guys would chime in and let us know. What also seemed funny to me was that the guy who killed me seemed to just pop right up behind me. While running, I looked over to my left and saw nothing and then all of the sudden one the guys pops up right there and shoots me.

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lol well played, nice teamwork and a lot of communication/patience. def some experienced players here

the way you got taken down was totally shady though, if it's the same guy with the suppressed m4 who was shooting you the first time before you zigzagged away.

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