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Hacker Caught On Live Stream

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I had atleast 50 people watching my live stream when this happened, I read all comments and

everyone said he had teleported to me because when i noticed him few seconds before that

you could hear him walk like 2 steps only. I would of also heared him climb the ladder.


Edited by kn0x187YT

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Lol, unlucky bro, so many players hack it's ridiculous but hey, DayZ is DayZ right?

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Can't do much with just this lol

I know i just wanted to share :D

Lol, unlucky bro, so many players hack it's ridiculous but hey, DayZ is DayZ right?

Yes, day z is day z n i will still keep playing :D

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That's why you put an overlay over your name so no one can hop on and kick your ass.

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That's why you put an overlay over your name so no one can hop on and kick your ass.

True... I never thought about that. Thanks!

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Are you serious? You need to check our the main page for dayz it will tell you everything but i think aslong as your pc can run Arma 2, that cost atleast 30$ and day z being a free mod you should be set to go

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LOL you started yelling hacker before he even took a shot. Your aim is shit for one. Shooting in 3rd person is not very smart. I don't know man. Maybe it was a hacker, wouldn't be surprised either way.

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LOL you started yelling hacker before he even took a shot. Your aim is shit for one. Shooting in 3rd person is not very smart. I don't know man. Maybe it was a hacker, wouldn't be surprised either way.

He was a hacker....ghillie suit, great sniper rifle and suddenly appearing out of nowhere. The OP message says it all, you hear only 2 steps. If he really did came up with the ladder and walked up there, you would have heard it.

I do agree ur aiming was bit off, Knox....but i understand you panicked. You were already bit in terror because he might pop up next to you....so that made you more edgy and so easier to panic i guess. And yea, a guy in ghillie suit and big sniper rifle is scary.

Ah well, all in all it was really too bad you died this way.

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What else do you expect when sniping in cherno?

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Yeah i know my aiming was horrible, I was just scared specially reading the chat of my live stream people saying his next to you

lying to me, Lol. It was fun tho =) He just scared the s out of me and i was expecting it. I just don't know if he was going to be friendly

because when i looked at the video he didn't kill me he just looked at me then i got scared and started shooting at him. Atleast i

didn't disconnect =D

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You know you can walk/sneak without making any sound right? (check dis

- It's not dayz but still works) Climbing isn't the loudest thing in the world either, I'd assume you wouldn't be able to hear it from you were, especially over all the noise you were making.

Edited by R3con
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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but when he shot at the hacker, the hacker had like an invisible barrier around him. All the bullet impacts were doing was kicking up dirt as if he shot the ground, instead of hitting the hacker. If one thing proves that it was a hacker, it's that.

Edited by Nick8478

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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but when he shot at the hacker, the hacker had like an invisible barrier around him. All the bullet impacts were doing was kicking up dirt as if he shot the ground, instead of hitting the hacker. If one thing proves that it was a hacker, it's that.

Yep that is something else i noticed, I shot him and he didn't die or start to bleed.

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