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US 1088: ZH Clan Is Given Some Salvation

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Just some footage of ZH's recent base, after getting multiple suggestions to raid it.

So, we did!

Edit: Done! Messed up on the editing on the end part, but I made the post, so I better commit to giving this to all of you.

Notice how people started... Getting kicked in regards to High Ping suspiciously after I took their Heli?

Interesting stuff.

This is for you, CSA.

Edited by SoulVirtue
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They are a clan of a bunch of kids anyways! Was prolly similar to taking candy from a baby!

Edited by M1911s

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I'm 28, most of the regs I play with in ZH are in their late 20's to early 30's, some even 40+. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I appreciate your obsession with ZH. Keep bringing the giggles! :-)

I don't take the game seriously enough to come up with a video of the game. So would it be in poor taste, or can I post a video or some pics of the girl I brought home last night? Just figure I should reward you with something for giving me something to laugh at everyday.

Edited by adversity

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Surely I can't be the only one who sees the double-standard? You and your buddies have been on a two week crusade of constant posts of "look at us we're awesome and harass the shit out of a group of guys who are just playing to have fun". And you're calling me an attention whore? I'm just having some fun with your crew's constant childish whining and general faggotry. You all have way too much free time and take your gaming way too seriously. If you got out of your parent's basement a little more you'd see how fucking ridiculous your whole crusade has been.

Find a new hobby little boy, cuz I've got more important shit to do than deal with some raging nerd on the internet.

FYI that picture was taken during Derby @ Churchill Downs earlier this year, a day which was a SHITLOAD of fun. Sorry if my avatar makes you feel insecure and/or jealous because 1) You don't get out much and could never get on my level, and 2) Obviously aren't as attractive of a man such as myself. But atleast I can't be accused of being an anonymous coward...

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Oh you didn't show the fights? ESPing? :/

Took everyone out with just an as50? Ya I highly doubt that. :D

Edited by PolarBearJ

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lol adversity that whole post stinks of desperation but whatever on to

PolarBearJ coming out swinging with sudden accusations of Esp Hacks haha

i guess i should remind you choppers make a lot of noise

Making them quite easy to track down if you know what your doing

side note since i am banned from your server no idea of how the actual combat went

but as50s do kick major ass in the right hands

Edited by FallenSurvivor777

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Surely I can't be the only one who sees the double-standard? You and your buddies have been on a two week crusade of constant posts of "look at us we're awesome and harass the shit out of a group of guys who are just playing to have fun". And you're calling me an attention whore? I'm just having some fun with your crew's constant childish whining and general faggotry. You all have way too much free time and take your gaming way too seriously. If you got out of your parent's basement a little more you'd see how fucking ridiculous your whole crusade has been.

Find a new hobby little boy, cuz I've got more important shit to do than deal with some raging nerd on the internet.

FYI that picture was taken during Derby @ Churchill Downs earlier this year, a day which was a SHITLOAD of fun. Sorry if my avatar makes you feel insecure and/or jealous because 1) You don't get out much and could never get on my level, and 2) Obviously aren't as attractive of a man such as myself. But atleast I can't be accused of being an anonymous coward...

people still use get on my level?

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lol adversity that whole post stinks of desperation but whatever on to

PolarBearJ coming out swinging with sudden accusations of Esp Hacks haha

i guess i should remind you choppers make a lot of noise

Making them quite easy to track down if you know what your doing

side note since i am banned from your server no idea of how the actual combat went

but as50s do kick major ass in the right hands

Then why did you skip the shooting scene with all those bodies? Afraid?

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haha i like the video as is Its pretty nice seeing all the dead Zh boys

im not sure why im bothering with you your clans worthless has to rely on kicking and banning to get rid of enemies

cant control his own clan, none of your clan seems to know anything regarding tactics, and the mods do not seem to care

about any of this crap so im done..

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people still use get on my level?

I'm really not that arrogant. I mean granted the ladies love me and all, but the whole point of my post was to give these little CSA kids some perspective.

I sounded a little douchey, right? It was intentional. I merely took their attitude from all of their recent posts about their obsession with ZH and how awesome they are and just switched it to a real life situation. Funny how they can't see themselves as they do my post eh?

You guys [CSA] are a joke, once again this is a freakin video game. Nobody gives a fuck, so don't talk to me about "desperation" Fallen, I'm not the one on a crusade over a PC game...

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