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Harley Quinn

[Med - High EXP] Player LF solid group

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Hi all.

As posted in the title, I'm a medium to high experience player LF a good group to play with.

I consider myself a "good guy" so i'm semi pacifistic when it comes to other players. But, that isn't to say I won't defend myself.

I've been ALL OVER Chernarus and back about 30 times, owned every weapon at least twice, and have been hacked over 10 times.

Alls I'm saying is I know my way around the block.

I can do raids, range for snipers, hold your medical supplies, or just generally entertain you.

I will only use skype, so yeah.

If you're interested in adding me to your group roster, feel free to skype me @ : quinn.lockhart

Thanks for the interest :)

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I strongly recommend you search for The Coalition here, and investigate the factions that are a part of it. That, and that you should give serious consideration to downloading teamspeak. I know that it is not necessary and may not be your preference, but not only can it save your life, it opens your opportunities for greater Day experiences considerably.

Just an opinion, but I think you may be pleased with what you find.

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