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Just now experiencing DayZ(with my very first kill)

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Im relatively new to dayz, ive got about 30 hours experience total and ive never, ever made it to the airfield. Not from deaths but rather from my lack of need too.See i love dayz and the concept of it and when i first started i figured id be you standard kill on sight i want your loot player. But.. Well, i actually havnt. in fact until this very day, ive never killed anyone! If i sneak up on people i often let them pass or give them a friendly hello. And in 30 hours, despite a hacker nuking the server, ive never had those "bandit" stories people have had. My deaths(excluding some zombie related ones when i was learning) have been getting sniped because i was on a roof(never again) and gettign mowed down by two bandits the very second i walk in the church with military grade assault rifles(yes i Q/E look into buildings now)

In fact, every player ive come across has had a chat with me, we share supplies and go along our way. its a bit refreshing actualy for others players to give your life value and ive done the same. My only act of PVP was firinga t a player looting dead bodies i nthe store. I panicked, shot his leg with a lee enfield and ran past. After spawning in again permanently passed out(oh bugs, how i hate you so) i starved and headed back into cherno, it was night and the city was dead. Creeping along suddenly gunshots everywhere(sounded military) avoiding them and making my way to the store i inadverdantly found the ones firing them, both dead. One had a shotgun of some kind and the other a SAW. They died not 10 feet from each other on either side of the corne of the supermarket(see why i dont go to the airfield? I find everything i need in the city)

Heading north i bump into a camp, after stealing some ammo from it i head to stary, on the way exiting the camp i somehow dont see a ghillied sniper running right at me, apparently he didnt either. so we circled around each other for a few seconds before we ran our seperate ways. As i was heading into the forest i saw a bus(the first vehicle i ever drove) deep into the forest, not aware of the button for 3rd person(am now, thankfully) i tried driving it off. After learning that forward momentum is impossible i try to back up out of the forest, in first person.

Somehow gettign it out i drove very slowly away further tos tary, apparently the bus hates dirt roads, somehow getting it stuck between two fences i checked the loot and good lord there was two AS50's, 6 mags of 1901 and just about every goodie i nthe gam,e(Already got those off the bandit in the supermarket). So i ditch the bus and decide ill play dayz with some friends because ive been the lonefull the entire time( a much better experience) We hit a city on the coast, it started with a B, i dont recall, and it went smoothly, my buddy found a ghillie suit(which will save my life later) and decided he wanted a ghillied sniper covering his rear. Some uneventful looting later we disconnect.

Now i was alone today, the day of my first kill(sorry about the story but if youre like me you love reading stories on these forums) and as i was heading to elektro, i got the crap scared out of me as someone had apparently snuck up on me and, even with my ghillie and AS50 present, decided not to shoot me and instead wanted to team up(i later learned he was a hacker and i aborted immedietly) So after a 5-6 kilometer trekk to elektros sniper hill i decide to flank it and go from behind and kill the snipers. This didnt go sow ell since no one was present. I decided what the hell and found a cozy spot under a pine tree to view elektro from.

30-45 minutes later i see zombies spawning in the city, keeping a watchful eye(while checking my rear on occasion) i sudenly hear footsteps. Immedietly i roll further into the tree, and turn around to look, my heart racing. Suddenly shooting starts going off(sounds like an AK) and it takes all of my willpower to stay where i am under that tree. Then i start hearing a lee enfield and again, i remain motionless. 10 minutes later i decide that im hidden and turn back to the city, once again the gunshots start going but this time in the city, once again the AK and the lee start going at it. Some silence and I see zombies spawning in the firehouse. Training my sights on the windows of the fiehouse i see a bandit going up. Making a rookie mistake i pull out my range finder(i had already ranged everything previously but i wanted to be sure) as he went to the top, thankfully he pauses for just a second to look out the window into the city, the moment building on me i realise its now or never and take the shot. As he turns to leave a red fountain spills from his chest and i swear he looked out that window and right at me before he fell over. Suddenly i felt... Well... Alive! I felt like the predator and he, the prey and it only made it sweeter than it was with a weapon that i had no real practice with, i had practiced on goats and a zombie or two before. I had the decision to let him live or end his life. But was i guilty? Oh no, no i wasnt. Why? because after another 10/15 minutes of scoping i ran down to the firehouse and found two dead players, one unarmed and the other was mr.lee enfield, he had the fireplace barbed wired(i had a handy dandy toolbox) and after running up to the third floor this guy not only had a bandit skin, but a godamn m1901. But the kicker is.. No side arm. What on earth was he doing with a sniper weapon in there? I did fond a dropped AK on the second floor but i think that was a spawn.

So, to steven, ive a few things to say.

You were my first, you popped my kill cherry, and dont stop in the damned firehouse!

I may not be one for killing survivors, You folks have treated me well and ill return the favour. But to you bandits, well, Serpentine!

Edited by Wolas
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I really enjoyed your story! I'm envious of your incredible luck with people in this game :) Most fresh people's stories involve dying 82 times to bandits until learning the ropes. Beans to you and hopefully more stories follow!

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I like the story have any if you have any others in the future i would love to hear!

I really enjoyed your story! I'm envious of your incredible luck with people in this game :) Most fresh people's stories involve dying 82 times to bandits until learning the ropes. Beans to you and hopefully more stories follow!

Haha, well i suppose it is mostly luck. That and despite having little to no FPS experience(more of an RPG fan) im succesful in the game.IT really does amaze me the value of given to human life in this game. Hell ive even become rather attatched to my weapons. The day i killed that bandit was the day i dubbed my AS50 gods hand. One shot kill from 0-1600m and, well, it really is gods hand. Picking and choosing who lives and dies.

Sadly im lacking stories seeing as those were all of my noteworthy experiences in DayZ, short of jason vorhees ambushing me in the middle of nowhere.

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Hello Wolas, and welcome to DayZ's super ethical reality climax, where it's murder time fun time for all!

({[ I stole that from Saints Row the Third, and modified it for my original purposes. Still probably going to get sued by THQ lol :P ]})

I'll give you some beans and advice Wolas. Don't snipe from the hill. It's a good way to get yourself killed. Snipe from a place that you would snipe the snipers from. Think about hunting snipers, not bandits. Bandits can be snipers as well, and most people who are walking bushes are instant targets of anyone since you can't tell from a distance if they are bandits or not.

Also, once you fire, break out. I've seen far too many people think that they are invisible thanks to a patch of turf on their back. Those anti-son-of-a-bitch sticks are huge and give you away way too easy. Never put them on your back either. Damn things are so tall they need aircraft warning lights.

Course, you're a smart kid and probably don't need to be told these things lol.

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Hello Wolas, and welcome to DayZ's super ethical reality climax, where it's murder time fun time for all!

({[ I stole that from Saints Row the Third, and modified it for my original purposes. Still probably going to get sued by THQ lol :P ]})

I'll give you some beans and advice Wolas. Don't snipe from the hill. It's a good way to get yourself killed. Snipe from a place that you would snipe the snipers from. Think about hunting snipers, not bandits. Bandits can be snipers as well, and most people who are walking bushes are instant targets of anyone since you can't tell from a distance if they are bandits or not.

Also, once you fire, break out. I've seen far too many people think that they are invisible thanks to a patch of turf on their back. Those anti-son-of-a-bitch sticks are huge and give you away way too easy. Never put them on your back either. Damn things are so tall they need aircraft warning lights.

Course, you're a smart kid and probably don't need to be told these things lol.

Two ideals that i normally follow. Had i not combed through sniper hill previously. And in most of those 10-15 minutes post kill were spent scanning my back and the other sniper hill(that and those footsteps so nearby made me feel like there was a fellow sniper in the other tree) Not to mention the many minute adjustments to have atleast one branch/leaf cover not only my back but my gun(relatively) to boot. Of course i dont pretend to know much at all. but with elektro in front of me and two possible sniper killzones where i was heading i wasnt in any rush to leave the safety of my tree. Another piece of advice given to me was

-Patience is the holiest of virtues, dont get to antsy to go collect your prize

Edited by Wolas

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One of my favorite hang out spots myself in the Electric City is the restaurant across from the Super Market. It's dinner and a movie, especially when you watch someone go into the supermarket and hide when someone else comes up. You are close enough to hear them talking sometimes too. Elektro is one of my favorite hangouts because people will just go ape there and you are right on the main to watch the fireworks. It's also kind of amusing that most people tunnel vision the Super Market and forget that the restaurant across the street from it is the perfect place to blast people from. Not that I ever did such a thing. Shooting a gun in the Electric City is practically suicide.

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One of my favorite hang out spots myself in the Electric City is the restaurant across from the Super Market. It's dinner and a movie, especially when you watch someone go into the supermarket and hide when someone else comes up. You are close enough to hear them talking sometimes too. Elektro is one of my favorite hangouts because people will just go ape there and you are right on the main to watch the fireworks. It's also kind of amusing that most people tunnel vision the Super Market and forget that the restaurant across the street from it is the perfect place to blast people from. Not that I ever did such a thing. Shooting a gun in the Electric City is practically suicide.

Oh im well aware(not so much the spot, some beans for a place to head when i inevitably die) but the fact that elektro is positively batshit. I know ive mentioned not having to go to the airfield because of all the insane city antics.

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