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Script restriction #41

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I keep getting script rescriction #41 wth is this?

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Nah, that is the new Battleye update..

I installed it on my server, and now it is fucked...if i downgrade to older script.txt I just get other restrictions... basicly you have to find a server that didn't update (or the update actually installed properly on)

Meanwhile, I am waiting for DayZhosting.com to actually use their "Live Chat".

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Stop trying to use your crappy hacks and play legit.

And matie...seems you are talking out your ass, I suggest you stop that....the smell is unbearable.

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Everyone who connects to my server is now getting auto-kicked for this scrip restricted, including myself.

Can someone please urgently advise how to fix this?

I have updated scripts.txt to the latest: http://code.google.c.../browse/filters

I have updated BEServer.dll to the latest, along with BEClient.dll.

Nothing has worked and now no one can play on my server! :(

Edited by Sgt.Leon

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Why aren't you emailing BATTLEYE support ?

You think I havent already done that!??

Its fixed now, removed line 41 from scripts.txt

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Same thing is happening in our server as well. every person that joins gets kicked for #41

do as i did, delete line 41

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I switched to camo , got kicked right away , log back in , no camo and no more script res. # 41 .. My friend is in a hero skin , played with him for about 45 mins. Then he got kicked and wasn't able to join back in.

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This seems to happen on some servers right after I get a bandit skin or if I spawn in with a bandit skin, or try to equip a guille suit or camo clothing.

Is this a bug or are the servers that do this have a defacto bandit ban and are they allowed to do that? This seems to be happening a lot lately especially since the bandit skins carry over from 1 life to the next :/

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Many of the players that already have a bandit/camo/ghillie/hero skin can't even join a server..

It seems to be a bug that arrose with

Just sit tight and wait for a hotfix..

That's all we can do.

In the meantime, just try a few servers, some will let you on, some won't.



Edited by ExtinctSquirrel

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