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How can I get my graphics better?

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On my YT videos apparently its laggy and crappy quality but that's how it is when I play really.. Someone said something about 3D Resi or something, help?

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open graphics options up, top right corner, there is a option to set your 3d resolution underneath your interface resolution, on default it is set slightly lower than your actual screen resolution, stick that to your native res, i.e what your interface resolution is.

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Hmm yeah I've done that now and it doesn't really look much different, thanks though

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try turning off anti aliasing.

btw i saw your youtube vid and tbh it looked alright to me, except the quality of recording.

also ARMA2 engine is a beast and you need at least an average computer to run it even semi decently, also if you really want to boost frames per second i suggest putting 'object details' on very low or low, maybe disabling post processing effects or shadows.

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Quality of recording? Well I use Fraps but render my videos into 720p as it's much easier to do, i'm guessing Arma II is 1080p thus rendering it down makes it worse? My computer is great, runs BF3 on Ultra well, i'm just confused about this really.

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I've found that setting the view distance a little lower and then tweaking the other graphics settings higher helps. I'll link my YouTube channel and my Imgur galleries below so you can see how my settings are and I'll list my system specs for you too. And remember, there are always the benchmark scenarios that you can use to find your average frame rate. There are 3, one is medium action, one is very intense action and one is general.

NOTE: You'll only have 2 benchmarks if you're playing ArmA II WITHOUT Operation Arrowhead.



Specs (I'm no technical wazard, so I'm remembering things I was told about my PC and looking at the system screen and essentially copying and pasting):

GPU: NVidia 9800GTX+ Overclocked

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00 GHz 3.00 GHz (I believe I have 2 of them)

RAM: 2 GB (although I think I have 4 GB)

And I can't find any more info... sorry! :D


I also use Game Booster (a program that you can download online, I think it's still free) and FRAPS which is set to reccord at 20 fps. Also, the videos on my channel are done with 50+ people online, so that will give you an idea of the stress. Really, ArmA II is very good at both being bad for your graphics and also being forgiving.

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PC Specs:

XFX AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB Graphics Card

Kingston HyperX 4GB 1600MHz DDR3 Memory Module Kit

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Hexa Core CPU

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I have no idea if that rig is better than mine :D

I'm just a professional moron :PI'd say grab a notebook, and yank your view distance up to about 5000 meters (aprox.). Then change all your graphics to max (very high for most, 8x for antialiasing) and set your 3D resolution to 100%.

Then run both the benchmarks and note the average fps.

Then go from there, and tweak the settings until you find something that looks good and gives you decent frames. I'd say aim for about 40 frames and record at 20, this was you'll be recording at less that your target and you'll be able to ensure that you get your target frames whenever you play.

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So i've put everything to high or very high, hope that sorts it out, as for FPS I can't measure that yet, need to redownload fraps

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Run the benchmarks to find your average FPS and then go from there. Each time the benchmark finishes it'll tell you your average FPS. Then go and change some settings are run it again and not the new FPS and so on until you get a decent frame rate and decent graphics :)

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I don't have bf3 but I do have a Radeon hd 6870 much like yours. I usually set my settings to normal. Anything higher and it beggings to drop frames in towns and some dense wooded areas 20 - 40 . At normal I get 40-60+ frames constantly. I'm not on my pc to say where the settings are set.

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For 40+ fps on your comp yammy do this -

Options/Video Options

Visibility slider 1600 max. I think server admins set the max visi for the server anyway in thier server cfg file. But just keep yours at 1600.

Texture Detail - Very High

Video Memory - Default. - If set on very high it will only use 512MB of your 1GB Ram on your gfx card. Setting it to deafult will use the full amount available on your gfx card as it uses the values that are stated in your ArmaOA.cfg file which auto detects the amount of Ram on your card when you first launch Arma2 OA.

Anisiotropic Filtering - Very High

Anti Aliasing - Disabled or Low - IF on 3D res 100% then have this on LOW. If higher than 100% 3D res then have this on Disabled.

Terrain Detail - Very Low - This is grass only. The higher you put this then the further away you will see grass.

Objects Detail - Very Low

Shadow Detail - Very High - Having shadows on a lower setting will make your CPU do alot of the shadow rendering for some reason. But , putting Shadows on Very high forces the engine to send shadow rendering over to your gfx card instead. A 6870 is more than capable of this.

HDR Quality - Normal in daytime - very high at night - It stops the banding occuring between different shades of colours.

Post process effects - Disabled - All it does is add a nice fuzzy haze around everything.

Interface Resolution should be set at your monitors native res most commonly 1920x1080

3D Res basically packs MORE pixels into the same area of screen that is listed in the Interface res section. I have mine at 114%. IF you choose 120% or higher then you don't even need any anti aliasing then as most the jaggies are gone due to the extra pixels.

Not sure if just one 6870 will be able to handle 120% though and still run smooth.

Although you do have a pretty decent CPU so try it.

My Specs

Phenom II Quad @ 3.1Ghz

8GB DDR3 @ 1333mhz

2 x Ati 6870 in xfire

On the settings above i get

70+ fps in fields.

60 in forests

40 in citys

and it looks lush still :)

Also , make sure to run DayZ 1.7.0 AND also Arma2 Latest Beta -


Only join servers that are actually running the beta version on thier end too.

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Thankyou so much dude, you really helped me, thanks for putting in so much effort too! :3 aww!!

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