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Logged out in the east logged in the west.

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I was in Berezino en route to the hospital due to a broken leg, i had to log out for some time (big mistake).

When i logged back in today i was deep in the wilderness west of Pavlovo (southwest edge of the map pretty much.

Any way to somehow get back to where i was?

Edited by SgtMays

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Ive had my character moved around a few times. Was it the same server you logged into the second time? Ive found it sometimes does it when ive logged into a server with a different game version than im running.

Edited by Rogue Diplodocus

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Ive had my character moved around a few times. Was it the same server you logged into the second time? Ive found it sometimes does it when ive logged into a server with a different game version than im running.

I'm pretty sure it was the same server, they were both reg and running the same latest version.

I tried to join a few servers (just incase the server i was in got dehived or something or messed up) but it was the same on each server i tried.

Edited by SgtMays

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