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so i downloaded the 93666 patch and installed it i run the game with the beta launcher and i try to join a beta server and it tells me that i cant play/edit the game or something and then something about the dayz file

and yes i have the 1.7 files i played on 1.7 servers so but not on the beta one can someone help

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Make sure you're running the dayz mod, and that you didn't delete that command line option when including the beta one.

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now i got passed the thing i got but know there is a cherno thing the commen errors say to play combinad ops but its beta so how to get passed that

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Are you running it through Steam? If so, make a backup of your normal arma2oa.exe file, and then copy the beta one from the beta folder into the arma 2 operation arrowhead folder. Then make sure you're running OA from Steam, and selecting "Combined Operations" from the dialog box.

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Then something went wrong and you're running the wrong version. Restore the backup you made.

Make sure you've read guides on how to install the beta patch, running the installation file is not enough.

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Then something went wrong and you're running the wrong version. Restore the backup you made.

Make sure you've read guides on how to install the beta patch' date=' running the installation file is not enough.


I was always installing the beta-patch (less than 5 seconds) then just playing the game.But now with the 666 patch,forever loading screeen.uh :[

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