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So military camps?

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Visited the same military camp twice in 2 days now, none of the green tent things had anything in? just the usual food and pepsi ect.

Do i just keep checking or is my intel incorrect as to finding weapons?

Also the airfield to the far west military camp area and teh barracks, would this be higher chance to get weaps?

thanks in advance

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Barracks spawn the some of the high-end weapons, they are the only "High-value-Military" spawns on the map, so yes Barracks are better Military Tents.

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Barracks spawn the some of the high-end weapons, they are the only "High-value-Military" spawns on the map, so yes Barracks are better Military Tents.

Ok thanks. As for the low yield military camps and tents, there is a chance good stuff will spawn or is it a never? Need to know before i waste time camping there.

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Ok thanks. As for the low yield military camps and tents, there is a chance good stuff will spawn or is it a never? Need to know before i waste time camping there.

I saw an M24 and ammo in a military tent in Cherno the other day, I assume it spawned there but I guess someone might have exchanged it for one of the usual AKM type guns I see in there...

I would go to the airfield in the North west as soon as you can if you want the best spawns though

Edited by Jamz

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