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I have in-game map problems! Its so aggravating. So please help!

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Okay so two of my friends in the group always see everything and know when guys are if there around 500 meters to us! This is what they tell me " dude check your map you will see there names and a little yellow/orange arrow/circle. So everytime they see someone on the map i check my map or gps and they never show up at all??? Another thing is vehicles, they can do the same thing with vehicles as they do people, my friends know when there one near if its moving...Not me i never know were anything is...Im like a blind bat running around and it really aggravating to me...But i know the power of the map bc in COD if you have radar your deadly. Another thing if your wondering they do this on both types of servers nametags and no nametags! Thats it, if you can help me and know what there talking about thanks!

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No they promise up and down they dont hack...And they never spawn items or anything...So i truthfully believe there not.

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Usually if you can see someone and spot their nameplate they will show up on the map for a little bit. Zombies say "man" and are orange, players and vehicles are blue. You can hear a vehicle moving more times before you will see it, get some headphones.

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Hackers will lie, cheat, and steal to keep people from knowing, cause of how close you are too them all you've got to do is turn fraps on and you have evidence on them.

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I seriously dont think there hacking but thats looks like what its coming down to. Because the other guy in the group is like me he never sees or knows were anyone is like me, Its just them two its like they are pros. And terrex i do. I have Astro a40's from ps3 for COD.

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You won't see the little dots if you haven't moved your view over them yet. Maybe your friends just look around more than you.

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Sounds like ESP hacks, which are different than scripts to spawn things in. in my opinion just as damaging.

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tet5 what do you mean " You won't see the little dots if you haven't moved your view over them yet" I dont get what your trying to say..

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You need to "see" them in game.

Like if you haven't looked in that direction, you won't see the map markers. It only reveals units that you have had your screen-view on recently.

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Oh okay! I guess ill try to 360 around and do it slow to pick people up on the map...I see both of them do that alot and i always wonder why but never asked.

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