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olibalzu (DayZ)

Get kickt and Killed for killing the admin !? PLEASE HELP!!

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On 31.08.2012 i joint the offical server : DE 2565

i had a lee enfield and saw a guy un the hill with sniper and ghilliesuit.

so i tryed to shoot him an oneshooted him. i got to him and "stole" his AS50, gps, kompass, NVG, usw...

then i got kicked for nothing. I reconectet and saw that RobinBraun1996 was the admin and the guy who i shoot was RobinBraun1996.So i got back in game and get kicked again. I reconectet and the sniper was nolonger in mein inv and one second later RobinBrain1996 shoot me with my sniper wich he only got back because he kicked me. WHAT CAN I DO NOW?

PS: sry for my bad English i am german :D

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"joint", "kickt", "tryed", "oneshooted", "kompass", "reconectet", "wich"

And he got his sniper back from kicking you? How is that possible?

And what can you do, play on another server.

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Sounds like a little bit of abuse on the admins behalf. Either way, I'd just say switch servers as some have fun on one without such people.

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What was the timeframe when this occured?

I mean that when you looted that guy how long did it take that you were kicked?

It might be that new data wasn't sent yet to Hive so you had your previous gear?

And admin kept kicking you while running back to his corpse and could see your login coordinates and easily position himself to kill you when you logged in again.

+1 to switch server

Edited by Caine

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Caine it was likei get the sniper out of his gear and the NVG's and kicked.

Yup i think this is the case you didn't have it anymore because your inventory wasn't saved before you got kicked out so the server admin owned you totally

You can always complain about admin abuse but since having low on proof ( no screenshots, no video etc) it's waste of time - it's better to remember not to play on this server and move on.

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