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So it's definitely an issue, nay problem, that no-one can deny.

I cannot think of any other game where you can move between servers and alter your position on one to benefit you in another.

I actually can't. Anyone?

So it is a bad idea. We've seen the problems it can cause both in your own perceived safety (Inside a building you've got secured, etc) and in PvP outings against more than one person where one hops server, changes position to your location and hops back to take you in the rear (arfarf), not to mention the equipment farming going on.

The only current argument for having server hopping exist is because of the flux of some servers - it's good to know you can go to any server if your 'home' one is down or struggling.

Ideally, it's a feature that needs to be removed, or at the very least, restricted to one hop a day.

Thoughts, comments?

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"I cannot think of any other game where you can move between servers and alter your position on one to benefit you in another."

Runescape - Change worlds to walk thru the wilderness, avoiding other players.

Maplestory - Change worlds to avoid danger, change worlds to find empty training grounds, change worlds to kill multiple timer-related bosses.


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restricting access aint the answer. hell finding a working non laggy server is half the battle

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I'd say 1/3.

First is finding. Second is connecting.

Then third is surviving

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It certainly is mostly an issue when I hear people using this tactic to swap tent camps quickly to another server with ease. Robbing my whole tent camp shouldn't be something one person can accomplish by simply server hopping and setting up a camp in the same spot then casually coming to move it over time. This may also be partially caused by the fact that 1 tent without fail seems to duplicate itself due to the buggy mechanics involved in placing tents.

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1. When logging off a server have the players body stand in state for 10 minutes where it can be looted or killed.

2. Implement across all servers the "hour glass unconsciousness" penalty for disconnecting and reconnecting. The only downside for this option is that when a server crashes and restarts or you lose connection you'll get this hour glass penalty.

I don't really think there is anything you can do in regards to looting a tent and changing server to tranfer the loot to a tent in the same location. If you lose your stuff you lose your stuff.

Perhaps add some sort of vault that people can build and players access it via a keycard which they carry as an item. The key card can be looted thus vaults could be camped.

The owner of the vault can change the key card code when needed which would force looters to loot quickly.

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"I cannot think of any other game where you can move between servers and alter your position on one to benefit you in another."

Runescape - Change worlds to walk thru the wilderness' date=' avoiding other players.

Maplestory - Change worlds to avoid danger, change worlds to find empty training grounds, change worlds to kill multiple timer-related bosses.



hahahah, two of the shittiest games in history share a game mechanic with this game. great.

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When there are official, reliable, stable servers that don't go down every 10 minutes, lag, roll me back to dangerous positions separated from my team, etc., etc. then we can do something about server hopping. Until then I have to "hop" just to play most days.

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"I cannot think of any other game where you can move between servers and alter your position on one to benefit you in another."

Runescape - Change worlds to walk thru the wilderness' date=' avoiding other players.

Maplestory - Change worlds to avoid danger, change worlds to find empty training grounds, change worlds to kill multiple timer-related bosses.



Aren't those both games target towards a pre-teen audience? Makes sense to coddle the player there, not so much here.

Server hopping is a menace and needs to go.

Ending the mechanic is one step. Make your character save only on it's "Home" server. If you move to another server, you get a new character for that server.

Supporting the new mechanic is the second step. Larger, more stable servers will be required.

Cons : If you can't get into your Home Server for any reason, you don't get to progress on your chosen main character. Boo hoo.

Pros : No more server hopping loot snatchers. The behavior won't be rewarded. No more battle disconnect exploiters. Enemies can't use the multiverse to out maneuver you. No more exploiters bypassing set defenses. You blocked off the church with barbed wire, and fortified your Base? Again, no more exploiters using the multiverse to out maneuver the defenses.

Seems like a winning idea to me.

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1. When logging off a server have the players body stand in state for 10 minutes where it can be looted or killed.

Seeing this as a solution bothers me a lot. Fine if it's 30-60 seconds.

But several minutes? I often have to log out in the middle of doing something, like inside a building Cherno, I don't want to log back in dead because while I was offline someone came in and shot me.

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To prevent this you could make a timer on which you can't enter another server. Like if you leave one server you won't be able to join another one for 5-10 min or so.

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