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You were kicked off the game - Out of ideas

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I've re-installed, I'm fully patched, BE is up to date, DayZ is up to date. I don't know what else to do:

I login to a server, private hive or main hive, run around for a couple minutes doing typical DayZ stuff, and after a couple minutes I get kicked with the message "You were kicked off the game". That's it. No reason, just that. I'm able to re-login to that server and keep playing for another couple minutes, but I'll eventually just get kicked again. This happens on multiple servers, it's not admin kicks - I've been able to ask a few who were logged in. Some servers this never happens on - I'd say like 75% I get the kick message.

I've totally re-installed twice, the 2nd time I followed the guide here: http://kodabar.blogs...rma-2-free.html to a tee (thank you Fraggle).

I've searched through the forum / google and tried all of the other possible fixes for this issue, but I'm simply at an impasse. What can I do to troubleshoot this from here?

*Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED:

- Steam

*Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?:

- Yes - 96061

*Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file:

- DayZ Commander

*What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible:

- "You were kicked off the game" with no reason

*Your PC specs:

- i7 2700

16 GB ram

GeForce 670

*Your Operating System:

- Windows7 x64

*Have you looked at these threads?:

- Yes

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what you have to do is manualy load the old beta patches in order. that should fix your problem

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Thanks for the reply. Just tried this:

Installed each beta patch in order from 95389. After patching each one, i started up ArmA2 and OA on their own before installing the next patch. I'm still getting kicked from every server with the same message. I've tried using DayZ Commander as well as just launching with proper command line from steam and using the in-game server browser. Regardless, either while in the lobby or after a few minutes of play, I get kicked. This is happening on all servers now for me.

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It might be Battleye. A lot of the time when friends and I try to join a server. I get kicked for battleye client not responding. Usually joining back does the trick. If it isn't Battleye then I'm not sure what could be the problem. Have you altered any of the .pbo files in the Dayz folder?

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Yeah, im guessing its pbo's causing the problem, use sig-arma to see if you're bi signature files match your pbo's


Edited by smasht_AU

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