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So, I'm stuck with the hero skin.

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So, I've had this for a while but I've never rally felt the need to bring it up because well, It's not a bad thing. In fact I embrace it and do my best to be the damn best hero I can be.

But one day I updated my game after playing a long time on a 1.7.4 patch server since my friends all updated back because there was just no population in the others.

And something strange happened - I logged in and I spawned inside of Elektro firehouse with the hero skin. Like 2 minutes later I got gunned down because it was a high pop server and I was a defensless hero in elektro firehouse.

But no matter what I do, I can't get rid of this skin. I've gone to -2000 humanity from defending myself and still spawn with the hero skin.

Like I said, It's not a bad thing. And I've helped out a TON of people nowadays since getting it and wanting to embrace the skin, but idk. I'm just wondering if it's a known bug or if I'm just a lucky sonovagun.

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Nah, just wait until -4500 humanity or -5000 humanity and your new bandit mask will be forced upon your face.

I doubt that'd ever happen. I'm too busy being friendly. I don't seem to run into that many shoot on sight people.

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Logging in with the hero skin resets debug monitor all the time for me. If you put on camo/ghillie and relog then it will start to show it so you can see how much you really have.

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