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Can't get Dayz to work (i'm using retail not steam)

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i'm trying to get dayz to work on my non steam game by using the information given from this " http://images.4chan.org/vg/src/1336170122278.jpg" i have fallowed all the instructions and i am unable to play on the DayZ servers, i am using six updater and don't everything correctly but when i open the game it just appears as the free version and not the combind OPs like it says on my six updater and when i click on expansion when opened the game the"DayZ" is un ticked and i can't tick it but the arma 2 isallso unticked. could anyone send me a link to a video that helps install when not using steam or help me step by step on this thread

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Manually download and install the mods, put them in your arma2oa folder under "/@dayz/addons" and then add -mod=@dayz in your combined ops launch options

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i don't have launch options because i'm not using steam and i've done the "-mod=@dayz" thing but that never changed anything

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do i even need the arma 2 free version? and what do you mean by make a .bit file?

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i am ahving a similar issue but i dont have a arma 2 ao file i just have the arma 2 file with the oa.exe inside it as its installed as combined. any tips?

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Mine works when i extracted files to only Addons folder, not to @Dayz folder. Hope it helps.

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hey i need help too i dont even know where to get the files at where to put them im completely lost when it comes to mods can somebody help me?

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