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How do i prevent my vehicles from Despawning once i go offline?

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ok so ive got all the gear i need (range finder, nvgs, coyote pack, m16 holo sd, m9 sd, and all the tools) so i have been trying to make a camp the last few days

ive found many vehicles on a few servers and i repair them just to find that they are gone the next day when i get on even though i "save them" and i even did an experiment to see if they are being stolen by parking my v3s by a ural that wasnt repaired and repaired the hull ONLY so that if i got on the next day and the v3s was gone i could check to see if the ural was differently repaired or not repaired at all but today wen i got one the v3s was gone but the ural was repaired differently... hull still intact but other stuff repaired as well.... how do i know if my vehicles will despawn on a server and how can i prevent them from doing so on those that dont?!?!

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so vehicles dont save now? is this a bug being fixed or a perma thing?

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