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Huge Camo on De 1721

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Hi, kannst du mir vielleicht die Coords per PM senden ?

Kenne mich da nicht gut aus, aber wenn ihr wollt raiden wir das camp gemeinsam ?

Leider kein Mic... unzuverlässiges Tritton headset >_>

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Those cords can't be accurate. If you add them it's near kamenka, if you do it backwards, it's east of airstrip?

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Kicked second time.... Big Admin abuse on this server

Edit: It's on the top right on the map, next to the airport

Edited by DASH2589

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Your humanity. You have to be a MONSTER!

you don't have seen my ;-)

Edited by DASH2589

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Just went there, saw a tractor and van running over everything.. shot at the person in tractor and they both sped off.. then I went farther in to investigate and got shot in the head.. it's definitely still there.. however so are the people trying to raid it :P

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Everyone else on the server except for OP had the same tag in front of their names. Surely you must've all been expecting admin abuse. They clearly have no intentions of letting anyone anywhere near their camp.

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