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DayZ Youtube Ideas..

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Hey Guys, i wanted to make a New DayZ youtube series..

ive already done 2 Survival plays and finished those. But im looking to do something different,

i had a few ideas:

- Building a Camp

- Road to 1000 Z kills..

etc.. but what would you guys think would be a good series to watch..


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To be honest as an experienced youtuber, those two ideas sound boring to me. Road to 1000z Kills, what if a bandit or someone else kills you before? Start

all over? :huh: I would rather watch you going and killing bandits, or setting up traps in city's or airfields and killing those who fall for the bait. It would be funny

also.. you get me? No hard feelings tho, Just my opinion. keep it up.

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To be honest as an experienced youtuber, those two ideas sound boring to me. Road to 1000z Kills, what if a bandit or someone else kills you before? Start

all over? :huh: I would rather watch you going and killing bandits, or setting up traps in city's or airfields and killing those who fall for the bait. It would be funny

also.. you get me? No hard feelings tho, Just my opinion. keep it up.

Not at all, it was just an idea for something different. its just a bit boring playing by yourself for lets plays.. ive had mates in the second series but we had no purpose..

Do you mean like, being friendly to survivors, and killing bandits.. the problem is im a bandit atm.. so:(

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Personally, the road to 1000z kills sounds interesting to me. But you'd have to do it in an exciting way, none of the sitting on the outskirts of a town with a makarov and picking them off one by one.

Pull a whole town, run into a building and just go full auto or see how many headshots you can get on them before getting overrun.

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Personally, the road to 1000z kills sounds interesting to me. But you'd have to do it in an exciting way, none of the sitting on the outskirts of a town with a makarov and picking them off one by one.

Pull a whole town, run into a building and just go full auto or see how many headshots you can get on them before getting overrun.

I can just see it getting boring which is the annoying thing..

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Again, it won't be boring if you do it right.

For instance, my buddy and I thought it would be cool to shoot an M24 at the ATC tower in Balota. 50 zed kills and 2 blood packs later, we learned our lesson. That was quite an intense few minutes.

NWAF we ended up accidentally pulling everything hauling some major ass to the barracks, and slaughtering about 120 zeds in a couple minutes of pure chaos,and some PDW goodness.

Or cherno, similar issue.

Or driving through elektro and sitting on the hospital picking them off as they climb up.

It feels more like a zombie survivor in those situations. More like playing resident evil or something. Trapped in a room with 2 doors and dozens of zombies filing in.

Edited by Ipurgepeople

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Again, it won't be boring if you do it right.

For instance, my buddy and I thought it would be cool to shoot an M24 at the ATC tower in Balota. 50 zed kills and 2 blood packs later, we learned our lesson. That was quite an intense few minutes.

NWAF we ended up accidentally pulling everything hauling some major ass to the barracks, and slaughtering about 120 zeds in a couple minutes of pure chaos,and some PDW goodness.

Or cherno, similar issue.

Or driving through elektro and sitting on the hospital picking them off as they climb up.

It feels more like a zombie survivor in those situations. More like playing resident evil or something. Trapped in a room with 2 doors and dozens of zombies filing in.

Well ok ill do the 1000 kills and try and make it as interesting as possible haha

i just think it'd get a bit boring on my own though, thats the problem..

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Dont just "record until I get 1000 kills," plan it out. Hunt down a rocket and some grenades, then get people to help train all of cherno at once. Sounds easy? Watch what happens without a plan.

The thought process for how and why behind everything you do in DayZ is more entertaining than just DayZ. Otherwise it would just be "get a canteen, knife, matches and hatchet. game over."

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A journal of a medic? Where you go around, giving people free stuff...not my best idea...

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i never think it'd be easy.. i just think it'd get a bit repetitive..

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