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So, just started playing this game, though I've heard it's full of hackers. What's been your experience the last few weeks?

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<-- playing since 2 month, only on servers under 15 players, no hacker-kill since that.

so, i´m an lucky guy i think

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Over the weekend we had 3 Thunderdomes, 2 server nukes, 5 assholes spawning vehicles, 3 spawning gear boxes and seven+ people teleporting and shooting players. But hell, that was just one server over 2 days. I'm sure you'll be luckier.

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I had two hackers occur before I knew what they were. One killed me and the other gave me great gear to practice with. Either way, I died and started over.

I play low pop servers for the last 3 weeks and haven't had any problems. The hacked gear gave me experience in the complex tasks and I am greatfull.

Remember, in this game, it doesn't matter what equipment you have, it can all go in a flash by stumbling on a noob with a makarov who gets a half second jump on you.

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Anyone else see the russian.

anyone else google translate?

oh god why.

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When I was playing regular dayz, the fair play only happens in low pop servers, probably not north american.

I don't know why, but in servers from Germany, France, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil and others, you barely see KoS by locals :} .

In these servers with chat, when a player is killed, the people try to figure out killed him, if it was a Kos every one start to bullying that player , kind funny :P

Edited by octopos

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