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Unlimited knockout works + swimming in concrete

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Date/Time: 5/3/2012, about 12:40 in-game (don't remember real time)

What happened: Me and a buddy were on the roof in chernogorsk scavenging, got shot at, I rolled and somehow wound up rolling inside the clock tower (probably happens in vanilla ArmA but worth noting)

Buddy dies with 1k blood left even though he had enough stuff to patch up and regain health (i'll leave him to report the specifics of that if he wants to,) i was bleeding and unconscious

I wake up, start to bandage, pass out again

Wake up with almost no blood left, start to bandage, immediately pass out again

I die

I also managed to roll inside the concrete platform at the top of the tower.

Where you were: Chernogorsk

What you were doing: Scavenging on the roof of the clock tower

*Current installed version: 1.5.4

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 1

*Timeline of events before/after error: Getting shot and bleeding, I can easily reproduce getting inside that concrete block, but reproducing the constant knockouts is hard since it requires me to get shot and pass out and not be killed during it.

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if you are shot and have massive tramua from bleeding then passing in and out of conciousness is not unlikley... you would be lucky your body didnt shut down completely due to shock.

The only issue here is the wall clipping

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