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Server admin GB #500 Stuarts Server - hope you see this

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Okay, I've been playing DayZ for about a month now and I'd like to think I've completed most of the in-game 'achievements', as it were. I've found every utility item, picked up every weapon except a thermal rifle, worn every clothing, and I've fixed multiple vehicles. Yesterday I and a friend found a helicopter on this server, on the island spawn. Naturally, minds were blown, and I cycled the length and breadth of Chernarus TWICE to find a bloody rotor assembly. We flew the helicopter around having a right old time, gat-gatting at zombies with the crappy machine guns and then logged off to sleep after spending 5 hours on your server finding, fixing, and playing with a helicopter. Now I can't risk logging on to fly the helicopter around. Why?


Some background: I have never hacked, scripted, used any exploits beyond logging off when I'm trapped in a dead-end building with dozens of zombies and low ammo ( I freely admit to that one). So the only reason you can be kicking me is because you want to play alone/with your friends. This happened when I had a car on your server too, and I had to keep logging on in short bursts just so I could move the car deep into the woods to hide it, with you taking the time to kick me every time. Obviously not reading the rules: there are no such things as private servers on DayZ. If you want to play legit DayZ without doing whatever needs to be done to mess it up into a private Hive, it has to be free and open to everyone - not just your friends. I have no idea how to contact you because you post no contact information on your server - I've Googled it and can't find an email address for you. This, along with the name of your server, leads me to believe that you bought it in the misguided sense of making it your private DayZ playground. I don't want to have your server taken down or whatever because there's no exploiting going on or anything like that - just a misapprehension. But please, I hope to god you go on the DayZ forums, and that you read this.

Because I really, really want to fly around your server terrorising the population in the UH-1H Huey whose machinery is coated with my sweat and blood. The helicopter I had to make an emergency landing in the middle of Solnichniy with because I didn't yet know that you need to repair the windscreen glass twice to stop the fuel leaking ._.

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Some servers have rules, maybe you break them.

Otherwise my advice is to find a new server, and try to achive the same.

Edited by Druen

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I've also just been playing on this server. It was empty when I joined, I started running around Cherno as I was a fresh spawn. After 10 minutes of so, "Stuart" joined the server, and within moments I was admin kicked. I tried rejoining a couple of times, and seconds after joining each time was kicked again.

Seems like Stuart is running his server so that he can play by himself without any fear of PvP. How do we file an official report against this server?

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Some servers have rules, maybe you break them.

Otherwise my advice is to find a new server, and try to achive the same.

That's the thing - he has no official server website. There is no info about his server anywhere on the internet other than the sites which list DayZ servers and the like. There's no MOTD on the server, no info pages or anything - even if he did have rules, how would we know we're breaking them? And if we were breaking rules that he set, they would certainly be against the DayZ rules - as yet on Stuarts Server I have yet to come across another player other than people I join with. We played on Stuarts Server precisely because it has a low population and thusly we were able to find a heli spawn more than a day or two after server reset - a never-before-seen occurrence for us.

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Does anyone know of a way I can contact him within the game or something? He has no contact information or anything posted, and I would like to direct him to the server-host rules.

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Log in while Stuart is on, stand in a field next to the chopper while I sort inventory out, get admin kicked. Wasn't on for any more than 10 mins, encountered no players or zombies, looted nothing.

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