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I had this post before forums had issues. Im not sure what happen but my post is lost. I decided to post it again..anyway here it goes:

skin morphing system like the old one but with some addition.

bandits, survivors and headhunters.

being bandit should stick you few days so you cant just shoot 2 innocent survivors @ chernogorsk and become a bandit then kill few bandits and become a survivor again. Im not sure but 2 days or longer time limit should work. or more you kill, days should be added to your bandit appearance. lets say 4 kills = 1more days.

headhunters that who gets rid of bandits. becoming a headhunter should take at least 4-5 bandit kills also. or lets say you havent killed anyone else yet. then you capped a bandit with 5 innocent survivor kills. that should morph you to a headhunter immediately..etc

Addition to that, rain and thunder storms should surpress your own walk-running sound. Or we can see when thunder hit on our HUD indicator. Or how much noise rain doing etc..

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