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looking for people 2 or 3 people to play with(preferably 3)

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hi sup so i wanna play with 3 people on dayz

Time zone GMT +4

pm me your skype

doesnt matter if you want to voice chat or not cuz my mic sucks and im not gonna voice chat we will just use skype as some sort private global chat

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Hi. You posted this in the DayZ General Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Read this before starting a new topic!

Hi. You posted this in the DayZ General Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Read this before starting a new topic!

im 100% i posted in survival HQ

there must be a glitch in the forums since alot of other people posted these in general discussion too

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im 100% i posted in survival HQ

there must be a glitch in the forums since alot of other people posted these in general discussion too

Hmm. That's odd, because it was in the DayZ General Discussion before I moved it. I tried creating a test topic in Survivor HQ and it worked fine for me..

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