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Will dogs be friendly in 1.7.3?

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Kewl! I want a cat, tho. Do you think they'll make that? Cats are excellent companions! They could be used to scare away dogs.

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Dogs will be friendly, but will be as rare as choppers to find.

Once you have a dog, you can hide it in the forest under a tree and use it as cocain mule storage facility just like a tent.

You will also be able to kill them, gut them and cook raw meat from them.

Dogs will have basic coyote backpacks but you can upgrade them with Alice Packs.

If you give the dog a gun, he will also be able to shoot with it (the gun shows attached to the dog's head)

And last but not least, with a shot of morphine the dog will be able to fly so you can ride him like a dragon (the dog will be able to fart fire bolts)

I lost it :lol:

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The dog will have an integrated GPS and will be able to ride terrain like a motorbike, so no worry about having them following you everywhere.

Still, you will have to refuel your dogs with jerrycans whenever you can. Upgrading them with fuel tank parts will also help.

To get the dog to befriend you you need to give it an as50.

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