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I really want to like it but everytime it comes to pvp I might as well just have used a makarov.

This guin is unbelievably low power. I was in the nw airfield firestation, looting when i heard gunshots. I hit the floor and wait. Soon enough I hear footsteps on the the stairs. A player with a ghillie arrives on the same floor, I open fire at full auto. I know I hit his lower torso 6 times as i was recording and there were 6 individual blood splatters. He then still standing shoots me with his l1 and I die. I say grats to the player in side chat and asked how much health he lost. Turns out he lost around 4k blood. This isnt the first time a player has brushed off this gun. The one time i did kill someone with the gun it took 15 bullets at point blank, which caused him to leg it only to pass out half way down the street.

It feels like while the mp5sd6 shouldn't be a powerful gun, it should have a bit more punch. 6 shots at point blank range isnt something that can be brushed off. Needless to say I will not be using it much more :P

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It puts the same ammo as an m9SD downrange so it should be pretty pants.

And dont spray it full auto you may have more success try the gun on an ARMA II range mission you will see at full auto from 50M that gun struggles to lay 20% of its rounds on a man sized target, then go do the DayZ maths it does 889 damage per shot and you need to take off 12000 so if the majority of your sprayed rounds miss you are in trouble.......

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I doubt I missed as he was standing on top of me :P But ye i realise accuracy on full auto is awful but indoors i can rely not to miss from half a metre away :)

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Hit them in the head. 1 shot to the head from any weapon kills.


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Not entirely possible in this situation as i was prone and he was standing about 0.5 metres away. A reaction shot makes it hard to pull up that far and shoot in head. I assumed 6 bullets from even the weakest submachine gun in the torso would at least cause a pass out.

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