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Ban appeal (Banned by CBL)

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I've started playing DayZ about month ago under this nickname, solely on CZ and DE servers. After a week or so of playing I found that I got banned on CZ servers. I got "#2 Seen By Dwarden" message. Didn't know why, but I decided to not press this issue since I had a lot of other DE servers to play on. After some time I went for holiday for a week. I managed to get a good gear by the time I left for vacation. After I came back, I found that I got banned on most of the servers I used to play on regularly. I can still join and play on some DE servers just fine, though. I didn't have this kind of problems before the vacation. Believe me or not, I swear I've never used cheats, hacks, scripts or whatever, because it kinda destroys the point of the game and the fun.

I got two kind of messages poping up upon joining servers - "DayZ Anti-Hax ...something..." AND "BattlEye: Admin Ban (W 91d9cb59 0xDEADBEEF)". I found similar code in DayZ Community banlist, but I don't know my GUID, so I can't check if I'm there. How can I find my GUID?

Any help or explanation would be appreciated.

Edited by Marcus Fulvius Optimus

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You can see your GUID when you connect to a server.

If you remember the name you were logged in as, you might also be able to find the ban that way too.

Search: All Issues for: yourname

Make sure to put All issues, not just open issues or else it might not show up.

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Thank you very much. I found myself in that banlist under number 438. But I couldn't find any results when I searched for the name I was playing with.

Also, is there any log to that ban #438? Can anyone tell me what was that for?

Edited by Marcus Fulvius Optimus

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Thanks. Why does my number in the bans.txt always change? Yesterday I was under 438, now I'm under 569.

Also, it seems that I need account on Google to raise an issue. Is that so?

This is my GUID (got it after joining a server from BE message) - and code that I get when joining a server

79da9f83a6c6b9409ea84bd50f8e74eb -1 W 91d9cb59 0xDEADBEEF

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